
Following the murder of her mother, Carmen is forced to flee her Mexican border village and cross into America. Aidan, a broken ex-marine, is guarding the border with other volunteers. In a move to save Carmen from being murdered, Aidan kills a fellow minuteman. Carmen and Aidan flee the scene, Aidan a criminal, Carmen an illegal. They drive to Los Angeles to La Poderosa, a club where music and dance thrive. For Carmen, La Poderosa is home, she is safe and her talents soar as a singer and dancer. Aidan with the FBI on his tracks, must leave to save Carmen. But Aiden & Carmen have fallen in love. The night of Carmen’s first performance, Aidan, in a desperate attempt to make much needed money risks his life in an illegal underground fight. Carmen arriving at the scene as the police surrounds the fight. The two of them run and spend a last moment together.