Duan Bowen

The film revolves around the story of Li Yitian, who struggles in a big city, showing the current situation of the life of a new generation of young people, focusing on the ordinary people who are trying to live in contemporary society, and their pain and struggle from ideals to helplessness to new life.


Mad Scientist has privately developed a highly developed humanoid robot with sympathetic nerves to satisfy one's own desires. Unexpectedly, the robot developed its autonomous consciousness. It exchanged the skin of the beautiful woman Su Xin (Guo Biting) by means of "black technology", and instead lurked beside Su Xin's boyfriend Wang Sheng (Duan Bowen). On the other side, the bizarre serial murder case has attracted the attention of police officer Li Dongbin (played by Liu Yiwei), and the danger is quietly brewing...

A young business elite Xiaonian Zhong, was imprisoned in a house! Everyday, a mysterious man will reveal one of his darkest secrets to the world. At the same time, his wife, friends and business partners were all been dragged into this incident one after another. Being imprisoned, how will Zhong combat this challenging situation? How will he escape from the house and fight the mysterious man and complete the salvation?


When a murder occurs in a small town in Southeast China, a local mechanic, known for his honesty, comes under suspicion. When the police target him to take the fall, he’s forced to try and exonerate himself, uncovering a number of disturbing facts, most much bigger than the initial crime.


Beijing is happening these days, but not everyone is living the golden life. Dumped, fired, evicted and abandoned by everyone (including his dog), a down-on-his-luck man finds solace with a circle of equally ill-fated friends, in this touching and lighthearted drama from independent Chinese auteur Zhang Yuan (Beijing Bastards). (TIFF.)
