Abhishek Ray

Kahani met her Prince Charming Nirbhay in Goa for the first time and fell in love. So far their journey together has been excellent and today is their first wedding anniversary.


A pair of reformed gangsters try to find a husband for their newly discovered sister, but complications arise due to mistaken identities.


Rajan Pillai (Atul Kulkarni) is an underworld gangster living in Mumbai. Sub Inspector Sreedharan Menon (Sreenivasan) is a police officer. Sreedharan is very concerned about the family of a colleague who has been murdered while on duty. He shares a strong emotional bond with his colleague's two sons. The elder of the two, Pappan (Disney James), is a taxi driver who is married and has a child. The younger one, Appu (Bineesh Kodiyeri), is jobless and is ready to do anything to land a job. The rest of the story unravels the emotional bond between Pappan and Appu.


Hanumant Singh is the quirky cop in the police department. He is a man of action who delivers most of the time but he has unusual ways to accomplish his mission. More importantly, he doesn't think twice before hobnobbing with corrupt politicians and gangsters and taking bribes for services rendered. Trouble begins when a new and seemingly honest recruit joins his team.


An abused boy who sells coffee on a bicycle gets involved in a robbery.


Thoondil is a romantic drama Tamil film starring Shaam and Sandhya directed by Adhiyaman. The film tries to work on the old saying "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Divya (Divya Spandana) is an upcoming model in London who meets Sriram (Shaam) an IT guy and falls in love. They sleep together but Sriram leaves her when Divya's boss tells him to stay out of her life if he wants to see her make it big. Divya feels betrayed when she finds out but does not know that her boss is the reason behind the split. Divya does achieve her dream and becomes a top model but is on a revenge romp to wreak havoc in Sriram’s happily married life to Anjali (Sandhya). Sandhya, is a cheerful girl whose only sorrow in life is that she doesn't have a child. And when she finally has a baby after 4 years of marriage to Sriram, Divya comes into her life and takes the baby away, saying that that is her baby. What happens after that forms the climax of the movie.


A professional witness at the marriage registrar helps a runaway girl when her boyfriend does not show up for the wedding. He falls in love with her, but then the missing groom returns.
