Ace Buchan

Stepping Stones features the best under 20 surfers in the world including Luke Dorrington, Wade Goodall, Bede Durbidge, Jordy Smith, Ace Buchan, Shaun Cansdell, Nate Yeomans and many more as they pave the stepping stones on the way to a pro surfing career. Thrown into the visual mix are sections on Taj, Andy and Parko who are currently living the dream of these young hopefuls.

"Frame Lines" features 45 minutes of Billabong's best including, Parko, Rasta, Occy, Egan, Andy Irons, Taj, Margo, Dorian, Dylan Longbottom, Donavon Frankenreiter, and some special guests. A quality number with great tunes from artists like, Pacifier, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, and Grinspoon. Strickland is a lover of digital effects who's clearly learned some new tricks since his first vid, "Evolv."His editing style gives an original spin to one of the better vids to be released this year.