Achille Bonito Oliva

On an errand to the post office to send a postacard, Silvia's day continues to unfurl in unanticipated directions. Idly eavesdropping on conversations in the line of unusually well-dressed customers, she begins to focus intently on the participants of an intriguing phone call, including an elegant gentleman, in an artful blurring of the boundaries between reality and reverie.

Italy, 1970. An increasing legion of harmless warriors begins a peaceful struggle for sexual freedom through pornography, shaking and shocking religious authorities and conservative political institutions. They are ironic, happy, crazy. They are dreamers, defenders of definitive communion between body and soul. But they were censored and humiliated. They were mistreated and arrested for demanding loud a new cultural renaissance.


A documentary about "The Squallor", Italy's first and most successful "ghost band" project, created by four big bosses of 70's-80's Italian music business.
