Adam Bobik

Mira, a 60 year-old woman, appears to have a normal life. One morning she starts her day like any other, wakes up early, puts her family's clothes out to dry, purchases food for her fish and commits a bank robbery with a kitchen knife. She discovers her need for money is surpassed only by her need for love.


Franek, a student of painting. By coincidence becomes involved in the cogs of a horrific totalitarian machine. His sensitivity and humanity will be heavily tested.


A young hospital worker meets a patient awaiting abortion procedure. Their childhood stripped away from them too early, the two form a bond which might help them survive.


During the night journey on a long-distance train Adam meets a mysterious person who will change his life forever.

The main character is a young playboy, never cared about money - first claimed by his mother, now makes it a rich wife. In such a case it is the best material for a husband and father? How far a desperate woman to give birth to a child and that the ideal hero will cope with the challenges of fatherhood?


Two high school students are fascinated by a mature, attractive woman named Żaklina. The boys' friendship, strengthened by the common passion of filmmaking, seems to be indestructible until both of them try to seduce her.


During a ride a woman picks up a hitchhiker. From the very beginning the man doesn't come across as trustworthy and the woman, anxious and feeling the growing threat, decides to pick up one more person. In the confined space of the car the three strangers begin a tense game. The characters hide some secrets that, revealed in small steps, will lead to tragic events.
