Adam Kosh

At 53, Anémone learns that she suffers from early Alzheimer's. The life she chose, to forget the first, is about to switch ... For, almost 30 years ago, Anémone, who was then called Manon, had to leave a life of violence, leaving behind her three young children. Fortunately, Lise, a kind-hearted lady, welcomed her with open arms into her home, which at the time housed women in difficulty in the small municipality of Belleville. Under a new identity and in this other life that she was built, Anémone, now thanatopracticer, flows for happier days surrounded by her children from a second union: Karla, the eldest back home, Simon, a young father who inherited his father's renovation business, and Olivia, his adopted youngest daughter who follows in his footsteps. At the announcement of the diagnostic hereditary potential, the old life of Anémone, unknown to all his relatives, comes to haunt her again. Will she have the strength and the courage to find her first children, Caroline, Sebastien and Jean-Olivier, before completely forgetting them? What will have been the fate of these children raised by Ronald and his own mother in difficult conditions? And most importantly, how will they react the day they learn that Manon is still alive? Anémone will then have to give an account ... In addition to coping with her diagnosis, Anémone meets the new director of the funeral home for which she works, Vincent, a mysterious man who observes relentlessly and with whom she will develop a troubling relationship. But what is Vincent looking for? Would he hide, too ... Another story?

To celebrate his 23rd birthday, Jonathan organizes a party with his girlfriend, his best friend, and his younger brother on a remote, uninhabited island in the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. As the evening wears on and the four friends become progressively drunker, Jonathan, in a show of bravado, pitches the keys of the boat into the river. The following day, after a fruitless search for the keys, the four friends realize that they are stranded on a deserted island, with a few bags of chips and very little fresh water, out of sight of civilization.

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