Adam Mularczyk

Falsely accused Warsaw art museum assistant goes into hiding as a woman.


An acute case of Mondayitis in Warsaw. Interwoven stories of a few inhabitants of Warsaw, including one very unlucky Italian on a governmental mission and a charitable Polish American.


An alternately restrained and outrageous adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether” that like OKNO ZABITE DESKAMI before it was updated to the modern world. It features a young man and a lady friend driving to an insane asylum whose overseers the woman knows. Weirdness is evident before they even reach the place, in the form of a ranting maniac in a tree. More crazies are found freely wandering the grounds of the asylum, they being participants in an apparently revolutionary new system instituted by the asylum’s director. But the director seems just as nutty in his own way as the patients...


Kazmierz Dziewanowicz's hobby is very strange. He collects people who were born on the 29th of February. One day he sees that in his collection there are two men with the same name, the same birth place, the same date of birth and the same parents. In the middle of the night somebody kills him. The Intelligence Agency begins investigation.


Polish communist imprisoned in thirties suspects his friend to be a traitor. Then the war begins.

Poland in 1946. A gang of 'Thunder' is committing violent robberies and murders and terrorizes the population of a large territory, consistently moving away from retribution. Captain Morava gets to knoa that 'Thunder' has a well-informed informant between his pursuers. The captain comes up with a cunning plan.


Karwowski, son of a pre-war colonel, is transferred from the West to Poland with the task of assembling a spy and diversion network. The task seems to be easy. However, after landing in Poland, it turns out that nobody wants to cooperate with him. Karwowski's "100% reliable" contacts with potential collaborators turn out to be completely outdated.


In the last days of World War 2, people of various ethnic background meet in a Polish military hospital in a small German town, whereas a Nazi SS division hides in the local forests and tries to move westwards.
