Adamo Vergine

The film is a rendition of Resurrection, Tolstoy’s last novel. It begins with a reading of the beginning of the first part in Naples, in September 2012. It moves on to Berlin, Locarno 2013, Oneglia, Paris, Casalborgone, and it ends in Milan with the beginning of the second part. The places and times change, and so do the people doing the reading. But also, in the middle, real people and voices surface, like Adamo Vergine at his home and Jean François Neplaz in Marseilles. The film searches for the possible faces of Tolstoy’s two protagonists in Oneglia, Procida, and Casalborgone.

Lune (Moons) is a fragment from Cronache del sentimento e del sogno (Chronicles of the Sentiment and the Dream) and consists of a series of images-in-images of faces and bodies. It is a study of the significance of the face, movement and the character of (photographic) light.

16mm collective manifesto by the members of C.C.I.

Experimental film about people walking away from and towards the camera.