Adil Isgandarov

The film is about relations between different people.

Young inspector investigates a murder in small town.


A famous botanist, Monsieur Jordan is a guest in Garabagh to Hatamkhan Agha. Hatamkhan Agha's nephew wants to go to France with Jordan in order to study. His family and lover try to discourage him and consult to Darvish Mastali Shah. Mastali Shah decides to use magic and explode Paris.


Based on a novel by Farman Karimzade, the movie shows the life in an Azerbaijani village under the Soviet rule in 1930s. Here two former "beys" (land owners) are opposing each other. One is loyal to the ideology of the past and can't reconcile himself to the new power, to second rejects the past and accepts the power of the Bolsheviks, believing that it will establish justice.


The film is about the public prosecutor who fought against the criminality but was killed by them.


The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.


When his parents try to marry him to their neighbors' daughter, Ahmad runs away from home and his family try to find him.


Film is about conflicts between neighbours and a celebration of love.

The film is about famous Chechen ballet and folk dancer Mahmud Essembayev's life.


After the literary work of the same name of Nizami Ganjavi and Mahammad Fuzuli. The film is about pure love of two young people.


The film portrays the life of the legendary Azerbaijani guerrilla of the Second World War Mehdi Huseynzadeh, who fought the Nazi forces in the present-day Italy and Slovenia, hence the film's name On distant shores referring to the Adriatic Sea.


After the novel of the same name of Mehdi Huseyn.


Popularly known by the name of the main character, "Mashadi Ibad" was based on a musical comedy by composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov and written in the early 1900s. The story is based on the age old-theme of a beautiful young woman Gulnaz who falls in love with a young man Sarvar but is obliged to marry someone else.
