Adina Pintilie

Together, a filmmaker and her characters venture into a personal research project about intimacy. On the fluid border between reality and fiction, Touch Me Not follows the emotional journeys of Laura, Tómas and Christian, offering a deeply empathic insight into their lives. Craving for intimacy yet also deeply afraid of it, they work to overcome old patterns, defense mechanisms and taboos, to cut the cord and finally be free. Touch Me Not looks at how we can find intimacy in the most unexpected ways, at how to love another without losing ourselves.


Once a week, Frank visits Eva. One day, being very tired, he falls asleep in her bed.

Oxygen is a free re-enactment of a real case: a man who tried to cross the Danube illegally using an oxygen cylinder, to escape the communist Romania.


A glimpse at the daily lives of patients in a Romanian psychiatric hospital.


On the outskirts of an industrial city, a lonely man lives an uneventful life. One day, a stranger appears and apparently nothing changes but at the same time, nothing is the same.