Adrian Roberts

Their tour bus broken down in the Florida Everglades, an all-girl garage band is confronted with the legend of the dreaded Skunk Ape in director Jay Wade Edwards' kitschy throwback to the @AIP shockers of yesteryear. The year is 1966: The Violas are on tour and driving through Florida when their van suddenly grinds to a halt in a small southern beach town. There, the local authorities are investigating the disappearance of two parents whose daughter was recently found wandering a local beach alone in a state of shock. A strange pile of pungent debris has also washed ashore, leading some locals to suspect that the Skunk Ape may somehow be involved in the incident. Now, with every step closer they come to solving the mystery, the local police begin to realize that local urban legends about a formidable beast that lives on the woods may not be so far-fetched after all. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi


John Savage plays Billy, a Tony Robbins gone awry. He awakes and decides this is his day to die, but first Billy must pass on his warped brand of 'personal power' by captivating his his protégé, AJ who carries forth his maniacal rules. In 12 blazing hours, Billy magnetizes 2 love-struck honeymooners, a couple of hapless cops, and one expert martial artist/store clerk who all unwittingly fuel Billy's kamikaze mission.

Multi-narrative adaptation of Richard v. Krafft-Ebing's notorious medico-forensic study of sexual perversity.


An American photographer has an affair with a mysterious woman (Yoshikawa), which leads him into a confrontation with the occult.


Three generations of New Orleans prostitute fight the FBI and each other. Based on a true story.


A police detective assigned to work a gay bar on an undercover drug operation gets hooked up with a gay student hustler. After the student witnesses a murder, the cop provides him an alibi and invites him to stay at his apartment. There a homosexual relationship develops...


When Rudy Baylor, a young attorney with no clients, goes to work for a seedy ambulance chaser, he wants to help the parents of a terminally ill boy in their suit against an insurance company. But to take on corporate America, Rudy and a scrappy paralegal must open their own law firm.


A talking pig named Gordy becomes involved in a quest to save his family from the slaughterhouse.


Workaholic Thomas Johnson dies in an auto accident and comes back to life as a dog. Remembering some of who he was, he returns to his wife and son to protect them from the man who caused his accident. But, as time goes by, he remembers more of his life, and realizes he wasn't such a good husband and father.
