Adriana Esteves

A mother leaves her hometown in Minas Gerais for São Paulo to search for her missing son.


A searing and energized portrait of one of Brazil’s most divisive historical figures, Afro-Brazilian poet and politician, the legendary Carlos Marighella - played by famous Actor/Musician Seu Jorge (City of God). Driven to fight against the erosion of civil and human rights following the CIA-backed military coup of 1964 and the brutal, racist right-wing dictatorship that followed, the revolutionary leaves behind his wife and son to take up arms, becoming a notorious enemy to the power structure. Relentlessly pursued as the government's number one enemy, Marighella cleverly evades capture, all the while continuing to inflict damage and further enraging his sadistic pursuers.


With the help of a journalist, a group of women come together to denounce the sexual abuse they suffered from a respected doctor: Roger Sadala (Antonio Calloni), a specialist in reproductive medicine and famous in high society. It all starts when one of them breaks the silence, inspiring the other victims to build a mutual support network with a thirst for justice.


Set in the coast of Bahia, "Segundo Sol" is the story of an axé singer who has already made great success but is now in full decay. He is said to be dead, the rumor goes viral on the internet and the sales of his albums and videos explode as well as at the height of his career. The singer then decides to remain dead and takes refuge on the island of Boiporã, where he begins a new life with another name.


On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.


São Paulo, 2007. Santana works as a dogcatcher, picking up stray animals. He is a friendly guy, averse to trouble, who has always kept violence away from the doorsteps of his home. One day, he catches a very big dog in a school. Some days later, comes the animal's owner: Babyface, a sociopath ex-cop. The man is furious, considering his dog to be "kidnapped", and demands immediate restitution of his pet. But the dog is not coming back: according to the law, the animal was put to sleep. In a misunderstanding, Babyface argue with Santana, blaming him for his pet's death. From this moment on, Santana's life will be completely changed.


Batista (Marco Ricca) and Maria (Adriana Esteves) form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and Maria, who has an affair with her eldest daughter's boyfriend, Emilia (Bianca Bin), represents a family on the edge of the ruins.


Photographer gets involved with a family as he seeks for a new model in a small town.


When the mysterious call girl Danny Bond comes on the scene, a crime of passion changes forever the lives of all involved. Who will the victim be? And the villain? After all, in a story so full of secrets and infidelity, who can get away with it to live happily ever after?

Brazil Avenue is a dynamic, lifelike, and modern telenovela that reveals how unrelenting ambition and inflicted cruelty can change a young girl’s destiny and lead her to seek revenge.


An innovative telenovela set against the backdrop of the discovery of ancient fossils by a top paleontologist and the invention of futuristic robots by a brilliant scientist.


The singer Dalva de Oliveira and the composer Herivelto Martins lived intensely on the stage and in life. The 13 years of marriage and the disagreements, which gained emphasis with the separation, contributed to an important artistic and cultural production.

Brazilian comedy about two couples living next to each other in the same building. This show explores the antics between the two couples.


Olímpia loves her bosses, Inês and Eduardo. Eduardo loves Inês, his wife, who loves Eduardo, her husband. Inês is a friend of Lígia´s, who loves her husband Cristiano. Cristiano loves Lígia, his wife. Vera loves Cláudio, her husband, who doesnt love Vera. Inês thinks that Eduardo is having an affair with Salete, Cristiano thinks that Lígia is having an affair with Ricco, Vera thinks that Cláudio has an affair with Inês and Eduardo thinks that Inês has an affair with Cláudio. The action takes place in a middle class condo where Olímpia, a clumsy maid, carries out the most unbelievable confusions, making everybody believes that love is a game in which one always cheats.


Senhora do Destino foi uma telenovela brasileira produzida e exibida pela Rede Globo entre 28 de junho de 2004 a 12 de março de 2005, totalizando 221 capítulos. Escrita por Aguinaldo Silva com a colaboração de Glória Barreto, Maria Elisa Berredo e Nelson Nadotti. Dirigida por Luciano Sabino, Marco Rodrigo, Cláudio Boeckel e Ary Coslov, com direção geral e de núcleo de Wolf Maya. Apresentou Susana Vieira, José Wilker, Carolina Dieckmann, Eduardo Moscovis, Letícia Spiller, Leonardo Vieira, Tania Khalill, Dan Stulbach, Carol Castro, Dado Dolabella, José de Abreu, Marcello Antony, Débora Falabela, Marília Gabriela, José Mayer, Leandra Leal e Renata Sorrah nos papéis principais. Foi reapresentada no Vale a Pena Ver de Novo de 2 de março de 2009 a 21 de agosto de 2009 em 123 capítulos, substituindo Mulheres Apaixonadas e sendo sucedida por Alma Gêmea.


Kubanacan is a 2003 Brazilian telenovela.


O Cravo e a Rosa is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It ran from June 26, 2000 to March 10, 2001. It is based on the Shakespearean comedy The Taming of the Shrew. It is currently being broadcast in Portugal, on SIC.


The story of one of the most important Brazilian heroes, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes. He was the leader of a group who tried to proclaim Brazil's Independence from Portugal in 1789. But he was betrayed by one of his comrades and hanged.


David, a rock singer, and Didi, his assistant, are transported to a distant world. They must help princess Allim to face the evil Vizir, who wants to become king by marrying her.


A Indomada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Globo February 17 to October 11, 1997. Authored by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linares, with the collaboration of Maria Elisa Berredo, Mark Silver and Nadotti Nelson and directed by Marcos Paulo Roberto Naar and Luiz Henrique Reis, had the general direction and core Marcos Paulo. Featured actors Adriana Esteves, José Mayer, Eva Wilma and Ary Fontoura leading roles in the plot.


During the military dictatorship in Brazil, Lorena, Lia and Ana Clara, three university students of different social backgrounds and origins meet at a nun's pension in São Paulo. Besides their differences, they become close friends, sharing their dramas and dreams, helping each other until the day they have to separate permanently.


Pedra Sobre Pedra is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Rede Globo from January 6 to July 31, 1992, with 178 episodes.


Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model Covery brand clothes, she meets the Kundera brothers, Alex and Gaspar, owners of the company. Gaspar, a former beatnik, is over 40 but still practices surfing, lives in a beach-side house and raises five children: Elvis (named after Elvis Presley), Ringo (Starr), Jane (Fonda), Olívia (Newton-John) and (John) Lennon, all from different mothers who left them with him. Anastácia "Naná" Passos, Duda's friend and mentor, loves him platonically, and rivalizes with Mariza Borges over him. Alex by contrast is a yuppie. He and their mother Morgana have a love-hate relationship and rivalry with his brother over Morgana's attention and the company. Alex begins to love Duda, however she falls in love with Lucas, a graffiti artist who is on the run from the São Paulo police due to his involvement in a crime there. He is also searching for his real father, and thinks it's either Alex or Gaspar.
