Adriana Facchetti

Claudia, Rita, and Caterina are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day, they are summoned to the notary public's office and learn that Anna, one of their peers in high school who got a bad name as a "whore" in the town because of them and was forced to leave is now dead. Furthermore, she had amassed a great fortune abroad and decided to bequeath it to the three. However, she has a strange condition: Claudia, Rita, and Caterina should cheat on their husbands within three days and provide photographic evidence or else the inheritance will be donated to the retirement home.


It's summer. Lisa goes every day in a holiday hotel to give French lessons to Mario, the owner's son. the beauty and personality of Lisa quickly raise the attraction of tourists, but also jealousy of mothers who see their husbands and son prowling around the lovely young woman ...


Girls' dance instructor Claudia Gambetti takes over the boy's gym class after gym teacher Martorelli breaks both his legs owing to one of his student's pranks. Soon both teachers and students are interested in learning more of Claudia's athletic dance moves. Director Fiorontori has made some debts betting on horses and wants Claudia to win a disco competition to balance the school budget, too. When the boys team are invited to face off against their superior Russian counterparts, Claudia calls in her dancing girls to be used as a secret weapon.


After graduating in correspondence detective, Riccardo Finzi arrives in Milan. The first case he deals with is the death of a young maid. Cockpit in a surreal yellow from a novel by Luciano Secchi.


Luisa De Dominicus is a Milanese piano teacher who moves to Lucca to be with the man she loves: Ferdinando 'Bonci' Marinotti, a city councilman campaigning for mayor on a platform of moral values. She is of the belief that Fernando is single, living with his ailing mother. This, of course, is far from the case. The boys living in her apartment building mistakenly believe Luisa is a call-girl who uses piano teaching as a cover for her true profession, and word soon spreads among the building's dirty old men. The resourceful boys drill a well-concealed hole in the wall between Signorina Luisa's flat and the bedroom of the landlord's son, Marcello Busatti, allowing them a spectacular view of their spectacular neighbor. Marcello quickly becomes infatuated with Luisa, but is also conflicted regarding her supposed profession. Eventually Luisa learns of Fernando's philandering nature, and after a vigorous misunderstanding, satisfies Marcello's unrequited lust/love.


Marcella (Fenech) inherits a taxi business from her father and now sets out on the job of her life. With each new fare she becomes involved with sex and crime all done up 70's Italian comedy style.


A drug deal goes bad and the heroin is stolen. One mob boss doesn't have his drugs and the other doesn't get his money. People are going to die until they discover who double-crossed them. Into this backdrop, Inspector Dario Mauri arrives from Milan to help clean-up Naples. His mission – find the drugs and stop the killing.


Distressed that her wayward husband, Gianni (Alberto Lionello), forsakes her favors and seduces a series of other women, drop-dead gorgeous Gioia (Edwige Fenech) turns to handsome lothario Patrizio (Ray Lovelock) to help her get revenge. Will her enthusiastic affair help Gianni see the error of his ways? Luciano Martino directs this saucy comedy that also stars Aldo Maccione, Alvaro Vitali and Olga Bisera.


When the local science teacher hurts herself during a failed experiment and ends up in hospital, she is replaced by young and sexy Stevania Marini. Barely out of school herself, Stefania finds herself the object of affection for several men, including a young baron and and even most of her male students. One of these, Andrea Balsamo is part of the family with whom Stefania is staying and as such has a stronger foothold than most of the other men in town


Lando Buzzanca plays a man desperate to father a male heir. However, his wife (Roseanne Podesta) is apparently barren. They decide to use a surrogate mother, which, since this was in the days before artificial insemination, means Buzzanca will have to impregnate the surrogate the "old-fashioned" way. After a mishap involving a VERY unattractive but fertile widow, Buzzanca sets his sights on young girl (Gloria Guida) at an orphanage for unwed mothers (who has already given an illegitimate child up for adoption). They hire her as a maid, but she is under the impression they're going to adopt her, leading to some quasi-incestual misunderstandings...


Lucita has been locked away in a convent by her family in order to keep her away from her lover, Esteban. The pair make plans to elope, but Esteban is accused of heresy before Lucita can escape. Hiding in the convent, Esteban discovers the horrifying depravity of the covent's abbess, Sister Incarnation. Can Esteban rescue his love from this madhouse before the inquisitor discovers what is going on and has everyone executed?


A poker player on a losing streak meets a beautiful young woman. He's attracted to her, but she appears to be perfectly content with her boyfriend, a somewhat wussy writer. The gambler gets the idea that if he can get this woman into bed, it will change his luck at the gambling tables.


Carlo Antonelli, an engineer from Genoa, gets mugged and decides to take justice into his own hands. At first the muggers seem to get the upper hand, but then he's helped by Tommy, a young robber who takes his side.


Legendary director Sergio Martino takes the helm for this sexploitation classic concerning the scandal that erupts when the panicked head of a high-profile cheese production company hires a beautiful prostitute to seduce an unsuspecting Cabinet member. Edwige Fenech and Pippo Franco star in a bawdy comedy classic that's as sexy as it is hilarious.


After a peaceful sailboat ride, four young people, including rich kid Bill, Joe, Fred and Jane, knock on the door of a secluded villa after their dune buggy runs out of gas. Earlier in the day, Bill had given the lovely Jane a pearl necklace with a supposedly paranormal history, and this later opens up a can of worms. They are invited to spend the night at the mansion, owned by Lord Alexander and Lady Alexander, who happen to be hosting a strange ceremony that night attended by a group of eccentrics in black robes. During the evening, Jane exits her sleep chamber, seemingly in some kind of trance, and is lured to a sacrificial alter where the robed houseguests are hovering over her. As a knife is about to be plunged into the young lady, her three friends come to the rescue, but they are also witness to a chaotic mass murder catastrophe in which they flee with feelings of guilt and uncertainty.


During the early Italian Renaissance and the Black Death epidemic, a group of young men and women, seeking refuge in a secluded villa just outside the city of Florence, shares different stories of adultery and forbidden love.


Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.


Agilulf is a righteous, perfectionist, faithful and pious knight with only one shortcoming: he doesn't exist. Inside his empty armor is an echoing voice that reverberates through the metal. Nevertheless, he serves the army of a Christian king out of goodwill and faith in the holy cause.


Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.


A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.


A tourist witnesses a murder and finds herself caught up in a series of bloody killings.


Mark Antony recalled to Rome from Alexandria by Ottavio wants him to marry his sister Octavia, Fulvia lawful wife is kidnapped by replacing it with Totonno brother, who looks like him as a drop of water. Totonno must be but here in Egypt Cleopatra mistreats the point of being sentenced to death but was pardoned Marc Antony returned. Octavius ​​declares war on Egypt, Mark Antony and Totonno dies take his place back at the side of Octavia in Rome served by Cleopatra who made ​​his slave.


During the WWII Italians and English take and retake a village between the Albanian and Greek borders. It happens so often that not only do they use the same hotel as their headquarters, but also they find the time to become friends.


Young Aladdin (Donald O'Connor) has a series of wild adventures after he discovers a magic lamp containing a genie (Vittorio De Sica).
