Adriano Rimoldi

A journalist could marry the daughter of a tycoon, but prefers a relationship with a married woman. An attorney renounces her lover by greed. A soldier tries to approach a widow on a train. A German couple looking for adventure mistakingly aim for the wrong target, yet find love.


Who is Jesus, and why does he impact all he meets? He is respected and reviled, emulated and accused, beloved, betrayed, and finally crucified. Yet that terrible fate would not be the end of the story.


Four young men are cited in a kiosk during a rainy afternoon. One has to study and the other three go to the cinema, although they are not allowed to entry because their young age. The group consists of Andrés, who works as bellboy in a hotel and dreams of becoming a bullfighter; Chispa, who follows the orders of an old grumpy man; Carlos, a student; and Negro, a shy boy. All they want is to have fun; but reality forces them to confront the problems of the adult world.


The film tells of a young woman travels to Malaga to Barcelona to meet and live with his grandfather, a poor blind man selling matches in the Catalan city harbor. The young man with his panache and salt shines in the port environment dominated many young rogue like Martin, who falls in love with her, and love her is closing the doors opened she seeks to earn some money and try be famous in the art of singing.


An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.

In the prison of San Vittore there is, among other detainees, a strange type that they call "Il Cavaliere". The latter suffers a conviction for theft and his fellow prisoners have a certain respect for him.


Stan and Ollie are marooned on an atoll. This was their last film together.


During the first Carlist war, Beatriz, daughter of an Isabeline colonel, secretly marries a Carlist captain who gets killed. Years later she returns to Rubiercos, an Asturian lost hamlet where she left her daughter, to find a troubled village where traditional rural lifestyle is threatened by the emerging coal mining industry and a new way of life darkening the river waters.


Elena and Marcos live in a guesthouse. Their serious financial difficulties force them to resort to the help of Mrs. Jarque, an aunt of Elena who humiliates Marcos constantly. Marcos dreams that he kills Mrs. Jarque, and she appears dead.

Sicily, early 1900s. An impoverished prince settles into the house of a rich shipowner and becomes his counselor.

Released from jail, Nanni punches prison guard Stefano who has denounced him. In order to take revenge, Stefano suggests the suspicion that, during his absence, his wife has had business with the Count Paolo. A few days later, at night, a deadly ambush will be prepared. Based on the novel The Trap (1928) by Toscan Delfino Cinelli.


A university student falls in love with a seamstress. But one day he meets a beautiful woman and things become complicated.
