Adrien Ruiz

South of France. In the sultry August heat, Geronimo, a young social educator, tries to ease tensions between the youngsters of the St Pierre neighborhood. The mood changes when Nil Terzi, a teenage girl of Turkish origin, flees an arranged marriage, running to the arms of her gypsy lover, Lucky Molina. Their escape sparks hostilities between the two clans. When the jousting and the musical battles begin, Geronimo struggles to quell the ensuing unrest around her.


Alex is a liberated, apparently sturdy yet vulnerable woman in her thirties. She earns her living as a market trader and with building work - she has no trouble matching up to the men. She works on renovating an old dilapidated house, high up and lonely in the mountains of the Ardèche, in the hope that her teenage son Xavier, who was not brought up by her, will move in. The walls she is restoring are like her life, which she wants to build up bit by bit. Because it's clear that she has just lived through some difficult years - in her own defensive words, she says to her son: 'I was unstable.' She is still easily upset and can become angry and aggressive.
