Agata Flori

After a ruler dies, tradition dictates the new ruler must accomplish a series of harrowing challenges whilst competing with other aspirants. One of them, Nasu a young prince, engages in the contest, but evildoers plan the young prince's demise. Tarzan protects him while ensuring he meets the tests


Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.


A Yankee gunman, Hallelujah, is hired by Mexican Juarista, General Ramirez to confiscate a case of jewels to fund the revolution. For this, Hallelujah will receive a percentage. But other parties are interested in the case and when they turn out to be fakes, it all deteriorates into a cat and mouse style game with Hallelujah, gunrunners, the French, and a Russian outlaw(!) all searching for the real jewels. - SWDB


Suave gambler Clay Watson, cocky sharpshooter Moses Lang, and wily thespian Edwin Kean are a trio of criminals in the Old West. The motley threesome are forced to form an uneasy alliance in order to find $400,000 dollars in stolen money.


Dorellik, an Italian contract killer that lives on the French Riviera, accepts a job to kill everyone with the surname Dupont that lives in France for a rich customer which supposedly would allow him to obtain a large inheritance.


Seven brothers team up to rescue their gold and their women from a ruthless bandit.


Ranch owner MacGregor has seven sons and oldest Gregor leads his brothers to Las Mesas, a small town where they want to sell horses. They get into trouble with local people who are related with evil Santillana. After getting imprisoned and losing their horses they decide to go after Santillana's gang.
