Agnes Rehni

-En gammel godsejers eneste datter er død i Italien, efter at hun forlod familien for 15 år siden. Hjem til Danmark kommer nu hendes søn. Han truer godsejerens nevø for sin arv, hvorfor nevøen iværksætter flere planer for at bringe drengen i ugunst hos hans bedstefar. Planerne lykkes næsten, men takket være hjælp fra bl.a. præsten ender historien med en forening mellem barnebarnet og bedstefaderen.


Summer in Tyrol (Danish: Sommer i Tyrol) is a 1964 Danish comedy film directed by Erik Balling and starring Dirch Passer.


No Overview.


Tiny Per has come of school age, and he has certainly not become any duller. He has joined a soccer team and they must play against the Swedes.


The popular Danish family are vacationing on the island of Bornholm. Unfortunately, they have not been able to get hotel rooms, but Tiny Per, always resourceful, have come up with the idea that they must sleep in a tent. Father and Uncle Anders are not quite enthusiastic about the idea, but there is nothing else to do.


Tiny Per gets its biggest wish: He becomes a scout. Sister also gets hers biggest wish: She's getting married. So now Mie take over the household and it's not going to go quietly.


At home in the small family is nothing new. Tiny Per is the school's mischief maker, Sister has heartaches, Mie and Ole has to be in the school play, etc. But suddenly something happens. Good old Uncle Anders has a twin brother in the United States. He called Sofus, and now he comes home to celebrate 70th birthday. He was a troublemaker when he left and now he has become even worse


Ib Schønberg is again the kindly father - and now he is crowned "the ideal driver". This means that he can take all his four children to winter holiday in Norway.


Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children


Den gamle godsejer Vilhelm Stone har på grund af svaghed for kvinder og spil ødelagt sit ægteskab, mistet sin søn og sine venner. Men da han dør, vender sønnen Niels hjem fra Australien for at overtage godset. Så let går det dog ikke. Sagførere trækker arvesagen i langdrag, og i første omgang arver Niels kun galophesten Ibrahim. Niels satser hårdt på at vinde årets store løb på galopbanen, og det er her Poul Reichhardt synger den berømte schlager Ibrahim til sin hest.. I kampen for at få familie-godset får Niels utrolig hjælp af sin tro følgesvend, karlen Nicholajsen.


Filmen er en fortsættelse af Hold fingrene fra mor. Dansk folkekomedie fra 1951. Berthe Quistgaard og Helge Kjærulff-Schmidt har hovedrollerne i dette dejlige kærlighedsspil. Lulu Vänner står for at skulle gifte sig for fjerde gang. Hun er mor til fire med tre forskellige mænd, men måske er fjerde gang lykkens gang. Selvom børnene godt kan lide Lulus tilkommende, John Carstensen, er de ikke vilde med tanken om giftermål.


-Søren Holm bliver præst i den lille by Harslev. Sognerådsformanden fru Andersen blander sig i præstefamiliens privatliv, og da Søren, for at komme i tale med byens mandlige ungdom, spiller med i en fodboldkamp, bliver fru Andersen gal. Halvdelen af sognet vender Søren ryggen. Men Søren gør et godt arbejde for ungdommen og efterhånden bliver han med degnens mellemkomst både accepteret af sognerådet og af byens ungdom.


After staying 3 years in America the Countess Ellie Stenholt (Marguerite Viby) returns home to Denmark and the family estate Stenholt. She finds that everything isn't going well noticing that the estate is falling apart and money is short.


Incognito is a 1937 Danish family film directed by Valdemar Lauritzen and starring Ib Schønberg.


Mac Davis runs a small press agency through which he conducts all sorts of shady business. Together with his helpers Clark and Durkins and his girlfriend Ellis he ruthlessly hustles through life. One day, the gang has a fight, and while Clark is thrown out, Durkins and Ellis decide to run away and start a new, righteous life together. Unfortunately, things don't go exactly as planned. (