Agnese Zeltina

A loving couple Laura and John get lost in the middle of nowhere during a thunderstorm, riding a scooter to a birthday party. Looking for a place to spend the night they end up in an eccentric man Raul's house. Raul offers John millions of dollars he claims to have to forget Laura and leave her forever.


Thomas and Hanna, a deliriously happy couple in their late 30s, buy an old house in the country with plans to fix it up over the summer. Hanna is looking forward to their time together – so when Thomas invites his older brother, Friedrich, who is deeply depressed over the failure of both his business and his marriage, to join them, she is disappointed by the intrusion. Easygoing, charming, and talkative, Thomas seeks to counterbalance the cloudier mood with an impetuous frenzy of activity, but Hanna retreats into sullenness and retaliates by bringing in her nubile young godchild Augustine until things smooth themselves out. Augustine’s youthful sexiness has anything but a soothing impact on Thomas, however, whose adolescent impulses linger just below the surface.


An awkward young man adopts the online MYSPACE identity of his friend, a popular journalist, in order to attract a woman who he otherwise feels would be out of reach. He succeeds and after corresponding with the girl for some time, he travels to meet her, all the while impersonating his friend (whose picture is rarely published with his articles). Surprisingly, when he finds her, she is living with her boyfriend and claims to have no MYSPACE identity at all. It seems the recluse neighbor of the girl has hijacked her online identity also. Intrigue and moral corruption ensue as this case of stolen virtual identity leads to disaster for both the imposters and all those involved.


По мотивам одноименной сказки Ганса Христиана Андерсена. Москвичи Кай и Грета жили в мире и согласии, крепко любили друг друга. Они были дружны с детства и даже собирались пожениться. Но однажды во время поездки Кай увидел неприступную красавицу, влюбился и уехал с ней. Кай строго-настрого запретил Грете искать его, но девушка не послушалась. А дальше все снова было как в сказке: Грета отправилась за любимым, надеясь растопить его ледяное сердце.


Melodramatic movie with colorful elements of comedy and songs that have deeply rooted in the Latvian folklore. Love triangle - terminally ill university teacher, blind girl and young bard. In the background - wild arrival of the capitalism, political conflicts, city life and beautiful nature of Latvia. In the end love conquers everything though not everybody lives to witness that.
