Agniya Kuznetsova

For the journalist Lyuba, everything is going according to plan: the work of the presenter on the TV channel, the successful and wealthy fiance Robert. The plan goes to hell when Lyuba's phone goes down, and she asks to call a random passerby from the phone. It turned out to be Sergey, who also had a calm and measured life until that day. This meeting will launch a series of events that will completely change the life of Lyuba, and Sergey, and themselves.

A well-known civil servant from the Mayor's Office in a provincial Russian town receives a note: You'll soon die. He takes no notice, and gets ready for his normal Sunday – family problems, his personal life, work, other matters… But this Sunday turns out very far from normal. From the very start things come crashing down, smiting everything in its path, including all plans, external composure, and even his own life.


An almost Chekhovian story about a once successful director making his last film, in spite of everything and everybody, in his country house. Strange guests, vain actors, somewhat eccentric neighbours and the director are reason enough for the author’s irony, and sometimes sarcasm. And you remember? Chekhov’s guns always fire!

Maria lives at the military base, desperate to move back to the city. Her husband does not seem to share Maria's dream of getting their own apartment. Maria decides to accept the offer of an officer who is to be transferred in a few days.

It is late spring of 1942, and the Great Patriotic War is in full swing. A long way off from the front-line, at some God-forgotten junction, the Germans make an air landing operation in an attempt to get through to the Kirov railway and the White Sea - the Baltic Sea Canal. These aren't just ordinary paratroopers. This is a team of seasoned and highly trained infiltrators, the elite of the Waffen-SS, superhumans. The only thing in their way is an anti-aircraft artillery unit of corporal Vaskov and five young women in training. It may seem like a fight of local significance, but the countrys main strategic transportation artery is at stake. Can the corporal and his 'petite newbies' prevent Nazi sabotage and at what cost?


Sasha is a young girl living in a block flat with her family in Moscow. Once she falls in love with Antonin, a bohemian artist and hard drinker. Their short love affair is pulling her down, to the bottom of her subconscious. Overwhelmed with beautiful and frightening visions, she starts to paint - violently, until she can stand on her feet.


Nadya, a young girl from St. Petersburg, is living and learning in London. Suddenly she decides to pay an unexpected visit to her boyfriend Zhenya.


Marina Kazantseva is a third-year student. A romantic girl who read Dumas and Mayne Reid novels while growing up, Marina is in love with her sport's teacher Konstantin Pavlovich, however, while Konstantin is aware of her feelings, he does not take them seriously. Meanwhile her classmate, Varia blames Marina for her abusive childhood and is planning her revenge. Fifteen years ago, Marina's father, Boris had an affair with Varia's mother, Lyudmila. When Boris's wife, Yekaterina discovered the affair, she returned her husband to the family after creating a very public scandal. Yekaterina then used her position as District Public Education Department Inspector to make sure that her husband's mistress was refused employment from every educational institution in town.


A young student Irina comes to a small sea shore town to spend some time with her grandmother.


Rainy summer evening... Young people are arriving at the new trendy club named Phobos which is still under construction. Or re-construction - since it's a former bomb shelter which is reconstructed to become a club. At first, the party sees nothing wrong, but soon the bunker doors turn out to be locked, and the teenagers get trapped underground without light and communication. At first, all of them are joking and do not realize how dangerous their situation is. Then they get frightened. All of them will need to cope with their fears before the bunker will let them free.


Провинциальная девушка Таня Клочкова работает официанткой в кафе, расположенном на трассе, и живет с матерью в поселке. Здесь у нее есть лучшая подруга Люда и влюбленный в нее друг детства Боря. Но судьба не преподносит ей сюрпризов, а другая, красивая и яркая жизнь, проносится мимо. Однажды в кафе заходит Кирилл, молодой и успешный москвич. Он влюбляется в простую и обаятельную Таню, и она отвечает ему взаимностью. Вскоре он увозит ее с собой в Москву.

Veterans are selected for filming an “artistic provocation” dedicated to the image of an unprotected human body during a war. Only one agrees. In the pavilion, when he is painted in gold and removed, he tells what he was thinking when he went to the front in 1944, assigning to himself one extra year.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...


A young woman is taken hostage by a police officer and subsequently abused by the lawman gone mad.
