Ahmed Rateb

(Khaled Degwy) who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his brother (Ahmad) tries to join this group (Khaled) refuses, he is trying to stop him, but he joins, and one day arise a dispute between (Ahmad) and one of the members of this community, (Ahmed) get killed, (Khalid) go mad who seeks revenge against the group, the same moment the issue Answer the arrest of the police against (Khaled).


Sentenced to death for committing rape, a convict navigates his final trying days alongside his allies and enemies in prison.

When a conservative Islamic preacher meets a beautiful violin player, they get close to each other and mutual romantic feelings build. As he comes to believe in the value of art and its influence on society, he finds himself torn between his love and his conservative beliefs.

A story of a taxi driver, who cares for nothing in the world except his friend and his son whose grandfather tries to be his guardian after his mother dies, but Karim refuses and get a court ruling that supports his right to his son. The plot escalates when the boy is kidnapped and Karim loses his memory in a seemingly planned accident.


This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult situation and emerges partly wounded. Following this experience he insists on going back to work but something about him has changed – he lets go of some of his upstanding principles to become “respectable less one quarter”


The film revolves around a group of young people, living in a popular area and suffer from poverty and unemployment, and after a series of events they decide to travel abroad to escape from their miserable lives and eventually realize the value of Egypt comes and they're back to their homeland.

Masry el Araby is an American-Egyptian citizen who travels back to his home town (in Egypt) after living in the US for 20 years. He has this idea of Egypt being a wonderful and amazing country, but the idea soon crashes as he faces reality. After arriving in Egypt, Masry is treated badly when he uses his Egyptian Passport. But then when he starts using his American Passport as an identification card, he is paid with a lot of respect. He faces many problems as he loses both passports.


University graduate works as a school bus driver after failing to find a proper job, where he unexpectedly falls in love with a school teacher, who is the love interest of an evil businessman. Of course you don’t already know that she will be loving the "King of Generation", after all, who wouldn’t?


Sherif Bond (Hany Ramzy) is a policeman who is assigned a murder investigation case. When he meets the beautiful brunette, Nour (Dolly Shahin) the widow of the deceased, and despite his little experience in cases like this one, he gets exceptionally motivated to solve the case.


A young guy who works in a bank and chases women all the time, visits one of the wizards one day; upon returning from that visit he acquires the ability to see the true nature of each person; when one the wealthy men approaches him to get a loan from the bank, he refuses but that he gets the young guy into many problems.

An Egyptian businessman who got an enchanted necklace of good luck. One day it got stolen and he begins a journey to get back his stolen necklace


يتناول الفيلم قصة شاب يدرس في كلية الطب يعيش هو وأصدقائه حياة مستهتره بين تعاطي المخدرات وأهمال الدراسة, ثم يقع في حب فتاة محجبة متدينه تقود مظاهرات فيحاول التودد إليها فيشترك في المظاهرات ويتدين حتي تتم خطبتهم وبعد ذلك تكتشف حقيقته أنه يتظاهر بالتدين فقط فتقرر ان تفترق عنه وتتابع نشاطها إلى ان تكون فريسة منظمة ارهابية, ولكن ينجح أحمد عيد خطيبها السابق في انقاذها وبعد ذلك تصاب بحالة انهيار وتسقط المعايير امامها وتنقلب حياتها فتخلع الحجاب وتتحول إلى شخصية اخري وتحاول أن تعود إلى خطيبها ظنا انها كانت مخطئة وان حياة خطيبها المستهترة هي الطريق الصحيح للحياة ولكنها تجده قد تدين ويرفض الحالة التي تعيشها بعد خلع حجابها وفى النهاية ترجع وترتدي الحجاب وتذهب لتشجع منتخب مصر في مبارة كرة القدم فيشاركها التشجيع في المباراة ويختتم الفيلم بزواجهما.

Najwa, a music teacher from the city of Minya, Upper Egypt, seizes the opportunity to come to Cairo on a trip with her students to search for Tahany, her first teacher that taught her music and used to live in an apartment in Heliopolis.


The film revolves around a young man, who lives with his uncle after the death of his father. He is a reckless young man who relies on the money of his billionaire uncle, until his uncle decides to leave him to rely on himself, causing him problems in many comedy situations


Cairo: a 70-year-old building of once-luxury flats with tenements on the roof. Zika, an aging libertine, feuds with his sister. Pius Haj Azzam takes a second wife, in secret, to satisfy sexual drive within religious bounds. Bothayna, poor and beautiful, supports her family, wanting to do so with dignity intact. Her former fiancé, Taha, the janitor's son, humiliated by the police, turns to fundamentalism. Hatem, a gay editor, seduces and corrupts a young man from the sticks. Two brothers, Copts, one a tailor and one Zika's factotum, connive for property. Allah is on most everyone's lips, and corruption is in their hearts.


Mahmoud is a simple young man, who is barely making ends meet working as security guard at a parking garage. Little did he know that doing the right thing upon witnessing a murder would drastically change his whole life.

Mustafa Al-Helaly is a university professor and head of the 'Virtue Party', who decides to run for parliament, but his life turns upside down after the retired dancer Sou'ad claims that he's the father of her reckless young daughter Nancy as a result of a one-night stand that happened 20 years ago.

The film revolves around an engineer working for an oil company in Dubai. He had to return to Egypt after twenty years. He was surprised that the Israeli Embassy was next to his apartment and was trying hard to sell the apartment at first.


Hanan has been unhappy due to the passing of her father, while her husband Sharif has been eyeing Ghada, the young daughter of his driver. They are friends with a married couple, Ahmed and Mona, but Mona has been chatting online with her ex-boyfriend. All of their lives change when Sharif's driver finds out that Ghada as run away from home to be with Sharif and Ahmed finds out what Mona has been doing online.


A young man wants to be a professional Kung-Fu player but figures out that the game is not popular in Egypt. He meets a fortuneteller who helps him to read and hear other’s thoughts.


In August 2001 Waheed wants to go to America. His father, Qarmouty the owner of a café in the tourist area of Nazlet al-semmaan, refuses. Waheed is afraid his fiancée’s father would marry her to a rich suitor. On the other side, Al-Qarmouty refuses American policy and sends Waheed to deliver a mango cargo to his friend Abu- Adnaan in Iraq. While American troops prepare to enter Baghdad, Waheed was arrested. Al-Qarmouty travels to Iraq, searching for his son and sees Saddam in streets meeting Iraqi people. Al-Qarmouty meets Saddam in his hideout then meets president Bush who claims that Al-Qarmouty is a terrorist and mango is a nuclear weapon. An old customer called John, helps Al-Qarmouty to escape Abu-Ghareeb prison, then finds Waheed in Baghdad. Upon their return to Egypt, Waheed gets married to his fiancée Rawheyya.


This hilarious comedy is about a young man, who like many young Egyptians, is going through the day to day struggle of being unemployed. He manages to get by with odd jobs here and there until he falls in love with a conservative girl who inspires him to build a more stable life.


Akram is a perfectionist wedding photographer who dreams of finding Miss Right. He indeed finds her in the unlikeliest of places: her wedding ceremony.

Qadry Al-Minyawi is a widowed husband and a father of four adult sons Mahmoud, Ibrahim, Abdulrahman and Hussien. When he is later appointed as the new minister of youth and sports, his old friend asks him to host his Danish sister-in-law Anita who is studying for her P.Hd. and visiting Egypt for the first time. Qadry feels concerned about Anita's presence and how her attractiveness and sex appeal drive all men crazy especially his sons.


The Seventh Sense is Egyptian Short Film

Heritage tales about a person named Juha al-Masri talking to his donkey, and he gets into many problems, he becomes condemned to death at times, and he becomes a guardian of the righteous guardians of God at other times, and responsible for security once, and head of a gang at another, and so on, leaving himself to God's measures to save him from problems In which it is located.

Zaki Dawoud is a Jewish merchant who trades in leftover WWII weapons in El-Alamein and smuggles them to Israel with the help of the English Colonel Collins. Ghazy is a member of the resistance against the English occupation who is trying to stop the smuggling operation.

Throughout its episodes, the series narrates the biography of the Arab singing lady (Umm Kulthum) since her inception in Sinbillawain and her journey with her father and siblings in singing religious songs on all occasions, through her artistic career and her move to stability in Cairo, and the stories of love that she went through during her life, and her artistic glory until she mastered The lyric scene in Egypt, and the crises she encountered during her artistic work and social life.

Three lawyers, brought by friendship but separated by interests, Fathi Nofal, who turns from a committed lawyer to an opportunist, while Ali al-Zanati joins religious extremist groups to make financial gains , and the third Mohsen only works as a simple employee away from conflict.


Ali Abd-El-Zaher is a member of an Islamic radical group which has been launching attacks against the government and the society under the orders of the spiritual leader Brother Saif. Ali manages to assasinate an officer, but as he escapes from the authorities he gets hit by a car driven by Sewsan, the daughter of a respected Muslim family living in the Maadi district. Sewsan's father who is a surgeon and his family take care of the injured terrorist who then tries to conceal the truth about his personality, such as his dislike of music, unveiled women and Western life styles.


Aldahria village one of the villages scattered in Egypt and inhabited by a group of ordinary people, up to the head of the village council (Mahmoud Abdul Aziz) rumor says that the train, at least the President and visiting U.S. President + B271 will depend upon the village. Changed if the entire village and they all begin to prepare for this event in anticipation of decorating the village and improve their appearance. Decides to the village doctor (Ahmad salary) that aid went to pregnant women only Feinst village men to make their wives pregnant, including President of the Council and his wife, Rabab (Hayatem) does not oppose this situation only a small percentage of people led by Hassan (Hassan El Asmar) Falah simple and his wife coincidence (Jehan Nasr) and is placed in the booking District does not raise problems during the procession. Be a surprise that the presidential train passes without that Atagaf in the village starting with everyone very disappointed


When Ayman El-Sersawy, a flirty businessman, marries his secretary Omnia, his frequent trips to Italy raises questions. After he convinces Omnia that those trips are to meet up with his friend Salem whom she wishes to meet, he is shocked to find an unknown man in his house claiming to be Salem.

Yusuf Al-Mansi is surprised by the transfer worker, Ghada, who enters the booth and asks for protection. To look for her and force her to return.

This is a well known Adel Imam play ,In his play Al-Zaeem or the leader, he criticizes the relationship between rulers and their people.

Ahmad heads to Tahrir compound to extract papers to move his son to another school. There he clashes with the administrative obstacles. He finds himself suddenly involved in carrying a weapon, and taking hostages and is joined by others and soon the police forces surrounds the place.


The film focuses on the history of the popular resistance against colonialism before and after the 1952 revolution in Egypt by presenting the story of the popular dancer Atab during the period of the British occupation, which has a sense of national duty. It helps the Fedayeen with money and information and contributes to the assassination attempt of King Farouk. Many surprises then change the course of events.


(Shukri) Director and his friend (Marei) screenwriter, cooperate and struggle in front of all obstacles to make a film about (reproach) popular dancer during the British occupation, which has a sense of national duty, it helps guerrillas with money and information, and contribute to the assassination attempt on King Farouk.

Khamis arrives from his hometown to work in Cairo, but his millionaire brother abandons him. Khamis is forced to work as a maid at the house of his old friend, dancer Najia, who becomes a movie star. At her home he meets several businessmen and discovers that everyone is engaged in illegal work and is surprised to find that his brother is following the same path.

Shawaf delivers his neighbor Fatima an illustrative map of the ship sunken at the Devil Island in Hurghada, hidden by gold boxes, accompanied by Baybars to finance the trip, and agree to Jalal teach them to dive, and recognizes the task of Fatima, and succeeded in the extraction of some gold bars, and here shows the Zoghbi gang and events escalate.


The film tells about Reda, the taxi driver, who happens to be playing in the airport queue by delivering a wealthy widow from abroad named Eman.


The story revolves around a quarrel between three young men (Abdulrahman, Adel and Kamal) who were running over a girl walking in the street and between the parents of the girl. They are fans of Upper Egypt, and Abdul Rahman and his colleague get scared. They go to ride the river bus. The driver of the bus is not able to stand, and in the river bus a group of different human models, including the young mother who screams for fear of her children, three nurses and a lawyer who tells the kidnappers every moment of the punishment of these crimes, and the old man who pretends to August and goes against one of the nurses even during the kidnapping.


Two women living together facing the troubles of life, clash with a foreign criminal organization that seeks to assassinate a political figure living in Egypt.


A group of football team supporters go through a lot of trouble to watch the games while the management headed by Captain Aouf are reaping benefits effortlessly. To calm their rage Sorour is appointed as their representative in the council only to unravel their scam further, so they continue their revolt.


As the family prepares for Farah Hanan Ali Sharif, Sa`fan falls in love with Jihan, and becomes involved with his friend fleeing justice in a chase with the police. What will happen to everyone after all this?

Ghawayesh is a simple girl from Tanta who sells embellished women's jewelry. She travels to a village in Upper Egypt and meets Hassanein, the educated young man whose older brother, Mualla, is the arrogant and cruel mayor. Events take a turn when Hassanein falls for Ghawayesh.

Simple young man Ali Mazhar dreams of being rich fast because he thinks he has super mental powers. He begins to realize his dream when he meets businessman Mumtaz and works with him. At the same time, he falls in love with Hossnia, who he thinks is rich but he's shocked by a series of surprises.

Adel Imam plays the role of educated person who is forced to work as house servant to hide from the police.

Fahmi Abdul Hadi .. A distinguished student of law school .. His dreams are simple and his actions are ideal and pure .. Fahmi collides with the bitter reality of life when losing his mother because he cannot afford the price of her treatment. At a time, He watches his colleagues around him spend money like water and making fun of his poverty and even refuse to help him to treat his mother. Fahmi decides to abandon the idealism and take revenge of all who failed him.


The work revolves around a teacherwho is assigned to be the supervisor of a school trip to the zoo in Cairo, and during the trip a child disappear.


Mohamed El-Asyouty lives with his wife Karima and their three adult daughters but he feels disappointed because he doesn't have a son to bear his last name and run the family business. When his two older daughters get married, they bring their husbands to live in the family home. However, the new son-in-laws prove to be a burden on the entire household.

(Maysa) Delegate to one of the advertising agencies, competes with another agency, the Oscar agency, which works (Salah Fouad), and each of them trying to win advertising campaigns illegally, Salah (Fouad) organizes an advertising campaign for a fake commodity called Fankouche, and requests ( Salah Fouad) from Dr. (Ayoub) to invent any material by this name for marketing, Maysa go to the laboratory of Dr. (Ayoub), and meet (Fouad) as Dr. (Ayoub) and fall in love.

Mahmoud, a simple employee of the Ministry of Health, loves lawyer "Amal", who trains in the office of her teacher, "Ali Hammad", Mahmoud "travels" to Kuwait to improve his financial situation. Her wealthy professor escapes chasing her cousin, Fathi officer, Mahmoud settles in Cairo after returning from abroad and renews his hope to marry Amal after her husband's death. Bribery from "Ibrahim Al-Fakharani" to facilitate the process of importing rotten food for "Al-Fakharani". Amal defends him and accuses her cousin of fabricating the accusation. Mahmoud's order is revealed, he collapses and confesses that he is already bribed after he reaches his home to find that his brother, sister and children died after eating the canned food that he admitted to the country.

After his father's death, Hassanein al-Bartouchi (Adel Imam) returns from his village to Cairo. After Hassanein's failure in all the jobs he is assigned, he is expelled from his uncle's home to find himself with a group of beggars headed by Sayed Hamoush. In a high-end neighborhood, he finds himself involved with a corrupt businessman who believes Hassanein is working for the police.


Siraj checks for half a million pounds from the bank for the contracting company and his girlfriend Kawther. The employee Yousuf and Nishal Rifai covet the seized bag and kidnap her as they reach an abandoned place, but discover that the bag is empty. They agree to look for the original bag. He kills Siraj Kawther, then lives in a hotel with money, pays him a rich girl to take money from him, faces him, everyone dies, and Joseph is carrying the bag with money half a rabbit in the sea.

The story revolves around Mursi (Adel Imam), a poor history teacher, married and suffering from an ambitious financial crisis in life, who gets involved with an old colleague at the university (Salwa), who runs her house for prostitution and hides him. Salwa uses the naiveté of Morsi to convince him that he attacked her He is drunk to press him to marry her pregnant.

The film captures the image of an emotional relationship between Kamal a medical student who comes from a rather poor class, and his colleague Nora, the daughter of a rich butcher who rejects the relationship altogether.


Because Ayoub is greedy for Al-Zafarani's wealth, he agrees to marry his second daughter, Salwa, who is engaged to her colleague Ahmed. And because Salwa and Ahmed are stumbling in marriage due to their lack of income, they agree to Salwa’s marriage to the shopkeeper after he writes to her half of his wealth, provided that they kill him after the marriage.

Dr. Raafat faces challenges and difficulties in raising his three daughters, Fawzia (Sanaa Younis), Soso (Shreihan) and Nadia (Ijlal Zaki).

A representative in an insurance company named (Adel), has a daughter from which her mother deported to the underworld.

The events of the series revolve in a fictional framework, about (Juha), the legendary character, who rescues the daughter of the Shahbandar. He gets to know her and then falls in love with her. But the Shahbandar asks him to bring seven grooms for his seven daughters accompanied by imaginary requests.

Arabic series When The World Turns

Won the Best Director Award at the Egyptian National Film Festival in 1976

The story of the small play revolves around the husband’s preoccupation with his wife and daughter, because of work, money collection, and his friend who suffers from his wife’s preoccupation with him all the time to take care of her public and external appearance without caring for him.