Aino Mantsas

Ms. Alli Pelkonen's terrier finds a body from Tähtitorninmäki, that's thought to be a wino at first. But Inspector Palmu knows a little better. And yes, it was a murder. Tähdet kertovat, Komisario Palmu (1962) is directed by Matti Kassila, as were all of these movies. This is the third Inspector Palmu movie. Mika Waltari worked on the script, and after that he came up with the novel.


Finnish period comedy set to the times of WW I. Based on a play by Maria Jotuni.


The prequel, Komisario Palmun erehdys (1960), was a huge success, but its producer T.J. Särkkä forgot to reserve the filming rights of Mika Waltari's other Palmu-novel "Kuka murhasi rouva Skrofin". Mauno Mäkelä bought the rights and Kaasua, komisario Palmu (1961) was filmed under Fennada-Filmi.


A closed room mystery begins when an infamous tycoon is found dead in his bath tub. The famous police lieutenant Palmu is summoned to investigate.


The everyday life of the small village is mixed when a fire breaks out the night after the party. The cooperative manager and fire manager alerts the young judge Heiki to the extinguishing work, but due to the confusion, extinguishing the fire turns out to be more complicated than expected.
