Ajdar Hamidov

In capital city Baku, eminent editor Yusef Abranov (Mustafayev regular Avtandil Makharadze) and director Mehmet (Yashar Nuri) are determined to get their latest movie made by any means necessary, after being shut down by the bankrupt national studio. Following various schemes, the only way left to raise the cash is to marry off Yusef’s son to the daughter of the rich guy who’s bought Yusef’s bizarre, mirror-filled house.


The events occur during the Armenian-Azerbaijanian/Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Because of a corpse in a zinc coffin with an arguable address two families get excited. Having cut the lid off the coffin for identification of a dead soldier they find out that he is not Azerbaijanian but Armenian - former dweller of Baku.


Azerbaijanian family has found Armenian boy in the forest and raised him. But years after he betrays his country during the war.

The film is about fellows spending time on the shore and about some events.

Made in the tragic comedy genre, this film is about the dysfunctional Soviet management system in Azerbaijan SSR at the end of 1980s and about the decadence and corruption of the Soviet bureaucracy.


The film is about man falling in love with young girl and his wish to be young too.


The film is about young village man and about his love's.
