Aki Avni

In the virtual age, that of the Internet and of social networks, everything is possible, mixing good with evil. Being able to manage the complexity of long-term relationships with the possibilities of the virtual world allows un-limited possibilities for couples who strive to maintain passion and perpetual-al fire. But in every world, even the virtual ones, rules must always be kept. Otherwise, your actions may come back and hit you like a boomerang. And when Boomerang hits you, it hurts, even if it's virtual. Attorney Shachar Tritop, name partner at a leading legal firm, decides to harness the power social networks and create a virtual lover for his wife Yael.

A spy navigates the precarious terrain of love and survival during an undercover mission in Syria.


Natalie, a small-town girl with big ambitions, and an equally big attitude, gets her first break in fashion, only to discover that her dreams come with a price to pay — in love, in her career and in her values — in this romantic comedy-drama set in the glamorous world of style and celebrities.


Rachel Strode, a young immigrant with a dark secret in her past, comes to Israel in the Fall of 1973 to volunteer in a Kibbutz and then to convert to Judaism. Soon, she realizes that the local Kibbutz members don't seem to like strangers and foreigners, and that the evening of Yom Kippur (the most important holiday for Jews), will bring danger to her and her young volunteering friends. What begins as a time of fun and the celebration of youth turns into a menacing and bloody night of terror, which will give a new meaning to Yom Kippur of 1973.


Maya, a beautiful, 13, arrives to an orphanage towards the end of World War II. She discovers who her true father is and has a forbidden relationships with an orphanage worker.


Hasamba 3G is a television series that broadcast on the Israeli channels HOT3 and Arutz HaYeladim.

When terrorists threaten nuclear catastrophe, the world's only hope is to reactivate decommissioned Universal Soldier Luc Deveraux. Rearmed and reprogrammed, Deveraux must take on his nemesis from the original Universal Soldier and a next-generation "UniSol".


Henry Durand is a young federal agent who is given a difficult assignment: spy on his mother and her boyfriend who is suspected of leading a gang of art thieves.


They were four friends in heart and soul. Blood Brothers that were that were bound together by their army experience. They were good people and decent citizens. They had love, careers, hopes, a future - but they wanted more. And they wanted to commit the perfect crime...


A hard-hitting French drama detailing the intersecting destinies of five characters whose lives cross over the current war in Iraq: three young French Arabs who each for a different reason joins a jihadi group to fight against the Americans; a 40-something French woman running an NGO in Baghdad at the outbreak of the war who gets kidnapped and held by the jihadi insurgents; and a mid-level French diplomat who uncovers the corruption of the UN Oil for Food program while gathering evidence to support the French effort to prevent the war.


Rebecca, an American who has been living in Jerusalem for a few months now, has just broken off her engagement. She gets into a cab driven by Hanna, an Israeli. But Hanna is on her way to Jordan, to the Free Zone, to pick up a large of sum of money.


It all started with a missile… The dramatic series follows the life of Junior High students who take part in “young initiators” project at school, in which they must come up with an interesting, innovative and practical invention. They must also play according to the adults world- plan the invention, recruit the funding for its development’ market and sell it. The winner team will take part in the world wide competition to be held in the Netherlands.


This beautiful love story that start's in Israel and going through all scene's of India, it's cultural, beauty and religions traditions brings us to the question: "What is this love?"...


An excessively ambitious police investigator pursues a tip that a singer with underworld ties is responsible for a recent robbery/homicide, becoming obsessed with the case and the suspect's wife.


Is today's fanaticism tomorrow's policy? In a West Bank settlement, Rabbi Meltzer has a grand design: he's building a movement "to pray at the Temple Mount." His yeshiva has scholars, and the settlement is getting its own military company to be commanded by Menachem, a disciple of the rabbi. He also wants his daughter, Michal, to marry Pini, the yeshiva's best scholar. Michal has no interest in Pini, but she is attracted to Menachem. When she rebuffs Pini, he hatches a bold and secret plan. Is jealousy the motivation or something else? Meanwhile, the army and Moussad are closely watching the rabbi's activities and Menachem's military training. Who is trustworthy?


From 1977 to his untimely death in 1993, Amos Guttman directed six films, all of them deeply personal reflections of his own life. Interviews with lovers, family and friends--including some of the most important people in Israeli cinema--tell the gripping story of a strikingly handsome, charismatic and deeply passionate gay man who has become a revered cult figure in Israeli cinema.Interviews with the late filmmaker and fascinating footage of him on the set convey the same passion that comes through in scenes from his films, lovingly selected by documentarian Ran Kotzer. Like Fellini, Guttman transformed his dreams and everyday conversations with friends and family into integral parts of his pictures. He is most remarkable for his striking and original use of the frame. Every shot is a treasure. Amos Guttman dared to portray subjects that were taboo in his society, and his search for the right of individual expression is the connecting link of his works.


A drama about two families, each with a gay son. Jonathan is splitting from Miki because the more experienced Miki is playing around. Then Jonathan sees Thomas, the son and grandson of his neighbors, who is back in Israel after failing to make it as a musician in New York: Thomas is ill, detached, in search of hard drugs. Jonathan tries to connect with him. Meanwhile, Thomas's grandmother, facing old age, has become bitter, particularly toward her hard-working daughter. They worry about Thomas. A few blocks away, Jonathan's mother, brother and sister maintain their sometimes bickering relationships, watching Jonathan brave adulthood.
