Akira Hibino

During the Japanese occupation of Manchuria, an aging father attempts to maintain his family line. With all able bodied men are being forced into labor by the Japanese, he stops at nothing to ensure his daughter-in-law produces a male heir.


During Second Sino-Japanese War, China suffered from cholera outbreak because Japanese uses it as an biological weapon. Four Chinese agents captures a Japanese scientist and his bodyguard and interrogate them by Chinese opera in order to get the vaccine formula. Written by tom0902000


On the set of a dark war time drama at an old movie studio, a young director, Toshio Murai (Yanagi), is trying to complete his debut film. The two starring actresses, Hitomi Kurokawa and Saori Murakami, play sisters in his film. Murai has a crush on Hitomi (Shiroshima), the seasoned leading actress, and keeps a photo of her by his bed. The younger and less experienced actress, Saori (Ishibashi), is annoying and likes to have recess on the set. The production of the movie is consistently interrupted by strange occurrences and the cast and crew begin to get spooked.
