Akitaka Kimata

Film by Seiji Izumi, 1985 with Seijo-tai aka Saints aka 聖女隊 (Eri, Mai, Ami). A trio of Japanese adult film actresses, who individually went under the names Mai (真衣), Eri (恵理) and Ami (亜美). Enjoy the tropical paradise of Saipan with the local Beach Boys!

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Pinku from 1982, distributed by Nikkatsu.

Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu

Pinku from 1980, distributrd by Nikkatsu.

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Yukichi Asano and Kiriko, his wife, love each other very deeply and are completely happy in their cozy, little flat. Then Yukichi discovers that Kiriko had once worked in a blue film, a thing unthinkable to a man like Yukichi and his love turns into burning hate and jealousy. He burns the film and tries to forgive his wife's unfortunate past but Kiriko suffers a thousand deaths for she had actually worked in four more blue films.

Pinku from 1971.

Pinku from 1970.

A girl becomes a pawn in the game between two rival gangs gangster.


A bunch of young hipsters kidnaps a loving couple and keeps them trapped in a barren landscape. To the sounds of free jazz they are performing various experiments with the couple. In the distance is a yakuza gang keeping track of the youths. Who are really experimenting with whom?


Tsuruoka is a college scienceteacher bent on capturing coeds and torturing them. He's aided by Masayoshi Nogami, who - in keeping with his cinematic reputation - enjoys brutally raping the girls after Tsuruoka snatches them.

Pinku from 1966.