Akmal Saleh

Akmal, at his brilliant best, tackles every subject from reality TV through to dealing with Australian politics. Filmed live in the Blue Mountains, NSW.

Filmed entirely by fans and co-ordinated by Alex Gamble, this release saw the community fly in from around the world, donate technology, skill, and even airfare (fans raised money to send chaonatic, a valued taper, to the concert) to document the final performance of Nine Inch Nails' stunning 2008 tour. Over 200GB of footage was collected, which was meticulously edited together by a team comprising of people from all over the world.

Akmal is one of Australia's favourite comedians. In this DVD he is totally Live and Uncensored. Filmed in front of a live audience in Brisbane, Australia, join Akmal as he tackles such topics as growing up in Australia, the government, being an Arab in the modern world, the joy of terrorism, radio, film and TV plus the history of the world through Akmal's eyes and his unique take on the human condition.

Australian small-town cop Gary (Eck) enjoys his nearly pastoral existence, with traffic violations providing the major excitement to his normally low-key days. While away from work, Gary spends a good deal of time fantasizing about local news reporter Julia (Kirstie Hutton), who would just as soon relocate to the thriving metropolis of Sydney. Soon, however, a motorcyclist is found decapitated, with a construction worker, a sailor, and a cowboy and Indian also meeting the same fate. With some murderous weirdo with some sort of Village People fixation terrorizing the town, Gary -- with the help of big-wig city detective and Don Johnson-wannabe Tony Charles (Mir) -- begins to realize that a cop is the last remaining victim to be murdered in order for the killings to be complete. ...
