Al Ernest Garcia

Escaped criminal "The Fox" hates Hoppy and a Rurales colonel for imprisoning him and lures Cassidy to Mexico in order to exact his vengeance.


Theater manager James Guthrie's (Melvyn Douglas) career depends on famed soprano Elsa Terry (Grace Moore) singing in his Buenos Aires opera house, however, Elsa breaks the contract in favor of a more lucrative deal in Paris. Desperate, James begins showering her with flowers and candy in an attempt to woo her to the Argentinian opera house. When Elsa overhears James confess to his friend Pancho that he'd be willing to resort to kidnapping to get Elsa to Argentina, she mistakenly believes his motives to be solely romantic.


A young singer hopes to become a success on Broadway.


Opera singer Chivo is currently playing a singing cowboy, and Mexican bandito Braganza kidnaps him (along with Jane, an heiress) so he can learn to become more like the American movie gangsters he admires.


The Tramp struggles to live in modern industrial society with the help of a young homeless woman.


A terminally ill woman and a debonair murderer facing execution meet and fall in love on a trans-Pacific crossing, each without knowing the other's secret.


Stone kills Thorton but only gets one half of the map to Thorton's gold mine. Tom arrives, and trying to help Thorton's daughter Beth, sets out after Stone and the half of the map. Posing as the man Stone is awaiting to register the mine, he tries to join up with the gang. But when the man he was posing as shows up, Tom is made a prisoner.


In this sound-era silent film, a tramp falls in love with a beautiful blind flower seller.


The Cisco Kid rides again! This time, he robs a bank to save pretty widow Sally Benton and her ranch. After developing a good relationship with Sally’s children, he risks life and limb in order to save her little one. Warner Baxter, Edmund Lowe, Conchita Montenegro and Nora Lane star in this western tale.


Dan Claibourne ( Tim McCoy ) refuses to fight against his state when Tennessee secedes during the Civil War preliminaries. His sweetheart brands him a traitor. Dan joins Morgan's raiders of the Confederate Army and gets an opportunity to rescue the girl during a raid.

Charlie, a wandering tramp, becomes a circus handyman - soon the star of the show - and falls in love with the circus owner's stepdaughter.


A lone prospector ventures into Alaska looking for gold. He gets mixed up with some burly characters and falls in love with the beautiful Georgia. He tries to win her heart with his singular charm.


The Power God is a 1925 science fiction film directed by Francis Ford and Ben F. Wilson


A bricklayer and his wife clash over his end-of-the-week partying.


At an upper class golf resort, a tramp discovers he's the lookalike of a rich man with a beautiful, unhappy wife.


At the Golden Trail saloon in Alaska, Dave Langdon meets chorus girl Faro Kate who reminds him of his long-lost love, Jane Sunderlin. Meanwhile, back in the States, Harry Teal, scheming to steal a mine claim, hires Jane's brother Dick to do his dirty work in Alaska. After Jane accompanies her brother up North, Teal, who has designs on Jane, begins to fear that she will go back to Dave and so plots to discredit him by igniting the jealousy of Kate's admirer, Jim Sykes. Teal succeeds, and in the violent fight that erupts between Dave and Sykes, Sykes is shot by an unknown hand. While pursuing Sykes' assailant, Dave discovers Jane, but their reunion is cut short when Dave is arrested for the shooting.

A cowboy matches the description of the man who robbed the local hotel--both are 6'4". When a young woman is robbed, suspicion falls on the cowboy again. However, he discovers that the actual culprits are a local gang headed by the sheriff. He sets out to capture the robbers and clear his name.


Carter Holmes, master criminologist, must help the oft-kidnapped Ruth Stanhope to find the 9 daggers that will unlock the secret of the cursed Devil's Trademark!


Allen Spargo, a mining engineer who is betrothed to Theresa Kane, goes West to make his fortune and is seriously injured in an accident. Kate Leonard, who falls in love with him while nursing him to recovery, jealously intercepts his fiancée's letters and then writes Theresa that Allen is dead.

Two young clerks in a department store meet and fall in love during a seaside vacation in Maine, but part as strangers because, unknown to each other, both had been masquerading as upper-class 'swells', just to see how the better half lives.


In Montegro brothers Stefan and Michael kidnap American heiress Delight Warren. Stefan marries her so he can claim her wealth, but then they fall in love.

Esra Kincaid takes land by force and, having taken the Espinoza land, his sights are set on the Castro rancho. Government agent Kearney holds him off till the cavalry shows up and he can declare his love for Juanita, called “the Rose of the Rancho.”


Old Morgan, an eccentric millionaire in a western city, has a dissipated young son. He has also a very sweet adopted daughter, Edwina. One day the son is waylaid near the railroad yards, stripped of a big "roll" and thrown unconscious into a box car.

A Confederate soldier battles with amnesia, vagrants, and tramps as he makes his way back home and to his sweetheart, Virginia.

Pierre and Baptiste, French-Canadian half-breed trappers, are enamored of Mary, the factor's daughter. Both men propose to the girl, both are refused. Baptiste, mad with jealous rage, abducts the girl and carries her off to a lonely cabin in the wilderness. She defies him, throws his proffered ring at him and is chained to the floor to change her mind.

Annie Jackson, living with her uncle, Horace Gregory, an old fisherman on Val Dez Island, is injured by an automobile. John Kingdon, who happens by, takes her in his machine to the hospital. There he learns to love her, but his advances are not wanted by her uncle, for his choice for his niece's hand is John Runyon. So when Annie returns to her home, and is told to marry Runyon, she refuses. In the meantime, Kingdon leaves for Honolulu. The vessel is wrecked. Kingdon, cast into the sea, clings half exhausted to a spar. By a trick of Fate, the wreck occurs on the rocks of Val Dez Island, and Annie sees the spar, rows out and succeeds in dragging it to shore, where Kingdon is recognized. The young people declare their love for each other, but Runyon plans to get Kingdon out of his way. The "best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee," and so Kingdon escapes the trap laid for him, and taking Annie with him to the mainland, they get married.

Mistaken identities and backstabbing partners