Alain Bashung

In Scotland 1874, Jack is born on the coldest day ever. Because of the extreme cold, his heart stops beating. The responsible midwife in Edinburgh finds a way to save him by replacing his heart with a clock. So he lives and remains under the midwife's protective care. But he must not get angry or excited because that endangers his life by causing his clock to stop working. Worse than that, when he grows up, he has to face the fact he cannot fall in love because that too could stop his delicate heart.


Told in four vignettes, this existential comedy relates the exploits of four aspiring criminals who hope to improve their lot, but find that they might not have what it takes for a life of crime.


Félix, operator of dodgem cars in a fairground, becomes obsessed by one of his customers, a mysterious young woman named Lola. Félix soon discovers that Lola is running away from her former boyfriend, a singer who continues to taunt her. Lola asks Félix to prove his love for her by murdering a man he does not know...


Bisexual attorney Alain is bedding his female boss, his murderer client, the client's hairdresser girlfriend, and a precocious boy who knows what he wants and tries to convince Alain that he can 'have it all'.


The collision between family life and career lies at the heart of this comedy hailing from France. A mother of two small children, Eva's life goes from stressful to insane when she is told that she is a project finalist for the design of a massive European hospital. She and her working husband Philippe try desperately to balance their commitments to their kids, careers, and themselves.


Young single mother has two sons and a daughter by three different fathers who are completely unaware of having fathered them. Anne's mother conjures up a plot to make everyone involved to go on a beach holiday in Mexico at the same time so that her grandchildren could meet their fathers and their new families.


Aline Issermann's "Shades of Doubt" ("L'Ombre du Doute"), a French film about a wrenching family crisis, is set forth with remarkable restraint. The subject is incest, but the story's potential for tawdriness is never exploited. Instead, Ms. Issermann presents a discreet, methodical account of how 12-year-old Alexandrine comes to bring and then recant charges against her father, Jean.


Frustrated with her life, a Parisian tells her philandering husband about her lover.


Gilbert, affecté à l'incinération des vieux billets à la Banque de France, vit avec sa femme, Gisèle, et son jeune fils, Thomas. Quelques années auparavant, il avait formé un groupe de rock avec Serge et le frère de Gisèle, Marc. Ceux-ci, abusant de sa naïveté, lui font croire qu'il s'est fait voler une mallette contenant un million et que par sa faute, Marc est en danger de mort. L'objectif est de forcer Gilbert à mettre son incinérateur en panne pour faciliter le cambriolage de la banque. Gilbert refuse d'abord, puis cède. Mais il découvre qu'il a été floué. Pour se venger, il prévient la police de la date et de l'heure du cambriolage


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