Alain Sachs

Set in the high courts of 16th Century France, where the wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants are raging. Marie de Mézières, a beautiful young aristocrat, is in love with Henri de Guise, but her hand in marriage is promised to the Prince of Montpensier.


Nicolas has a happy existence, parents who love him, a great group of friends with whom he has great fun, and all he wants is that nothing changes. However, one day, he overhears a conversation that leads him to believe that his life might change forever, his mother is pregnant! He panics and envisions the worst.


When Camille falls ill, she is forced to live with Philibert and Franck.


This string quartet improvises on classical and less classical music pieces, to bring the spectator on a dreamy path, full of humor.

Two Polish brothers arrive in Paris with dreams of becoming rich and famous, and sure enough, they are soon participating in some forgotten film festival as a producer and a director -- but will this get them anywhere?


Camille, a naive schoolgirl meets an intriguing influence in Joelle, a slightly older and much more experienced spirit. Camille follows her new friend through the discovery of sex and the darker side of life. As the film progresses, Camille discovers AIDS and the fear that she may have picked up the disease in her early encounters.


Lola, a young lawyer, is raising her little boy Bolivar, and sustains his family. Diagnosed with cancer, she decides to fight against this disease as it has always done in life with strength, determination, and above all with humor. In his fight, it is supported by Ferdinand, his fiery lover and naive who is a journalist. In the hospital, treated by Prof. Tobman, deeply human doctor, she met a group of women, all living with the same bad but each following a different social environment. This group will become his new "family".
