Alan Abel

The Andy Kaufman Project explores the possibility that avant-garde performance artist Andy Kaufman may have faked his death.


Filmmaker Jenny Abel explores the life and career of her father Alan Abel, known to many as "the world's greatest hoaxer."


The Devil sets his sights on Sam Silverstein, a sexually frustrated sixty-five-year-old Jewish husband in crisis, whom he selects as an easy mark. At first Silverstein resists, but as life moves from one disappointment to another, he agrees to sell his soul for a chance to make out with a pretty young thing.

Driving through New York City in his Sexmobile, Dr. Harrison Rogers of the Bureau of Sexological Investigation, searches out luminary figures in the world of sex.


Swope—the only black man on the executive board of an advertising firm—is accidentally put in charge after the death of the chairman of the board.


A bizarre portrait of the New York singles scene.
