Alberto Alifa

On April 11th of 2002 a coup d'état against the venezuelan president Hugo Chávez Frías kept the country in a state of total uncertainty regarding his whereabouts, two days later he returned to power. This is a chronicle of those days.

The story of a lawyer's journey to overcome his fears and the social boundaries in order to become what he always dreamed: a woman like any other.


The chance of an innocent child's game will unveil a betrayal that will forever change the lives of two families when their paths cross, endangering what they love the most, in a city that does not give them a truce.


Delia survived a river-flood ten years ago. She's trying to rebuilt her life but she soon discovers danger is over her two sons. But hope of reconstruction is possible, because the force of love,despite all, keep them united. (from imdb)


TAITA BOVES chronicles a thirst for revenge that devastated a country. It tells the true story of Jose Tomás Boves, a cruel man who became a legend during the Venezuelan War of Independence, the most violent in the Americas. He went from seafarer to pirate, horse smuggler to prosperous merchant, prisoner to military chief. Spanish by birth, he spearheaded a grass roots troop of slaves, mulattoes, Indians and mestizos that crushed Simón Bolívar and his patriot army. Respectfully referred to as "Taita" by them, he fought for the underprivileged and the poorest of the poor, and curtailed three centuries of order in this colonial region. This film is about his passions and power, his loves and misadventures, and a bloody saga that rocked Venezuela.


Gabriel, a cop who seeks justice by his own hand, begins in a relationship with Raquel, the daughter of a corrupt police implicated in the death of his parents.


.Un periodista se introduce clandestinamente en la celda de Miranda, en la Carraca el 10 de Julio de 1816. El joven periodista urge al generalísimo para que le conceda una entrevista, con el objeto de propagar su pensamiento anticolonialista en cierto periódico de vanguardia que se edita furtivamente en Cádiz. Miranda, viejo zorro de la geopolítica internacional desde el siglo pasado, desconfía del impetuoso muchacho, quien poco a poco se va ganando su confianza hasta que el cautivo accede a concederle la entrevista.Aquí comienza un viaje retrospectivo de la vida del generalísimo donde la vuelta al pasado, a los momentos formativos más trascendentes de la construcción del joven, del hombre, del seductor, del soldado español, del ilustrado, el desertor, el independentista, el político, el guerrero, el espía, el contrabandista, el hereje, el conspirador y el precursor, se narran para develarnos la magnitud de Francisco de Miranda, quizás por siempre el más universal de los venezolanos.


El Caracazo o Sacudón fue una serie de fuertes protestas y disturbios durante el gobierno de Carlos Andrés Pérez, que comenzó el día 27 de febrero y terminó el día 28 de febrero de 1989 en la ciudad de Caracas, e iniciados realmente en la ciudad de Guarenas, cercana a Caracas. El nombre proviene de Caracas, la ciudad donde acontecieron parte de los hechos, recordando a otro hecho ocurrido en Colombia el 9 de abril de 1948; el Bogotazo. La masacre ocurrió el día 28 de febrero cuando fuerzas de seguridad de la Policía Metropolitana (PM) y Fuerzas Armadas del Ejército y de la Guardia Nacional (GN) salieron a las calles a controlar la situación.


This is the story of two teenage women affected by violence and the painful journey to become full and liberated. One, Maruja is a young rape victim. The other Carmen Luisa is beaten by violence within her own family.


Two cousins learn the value of life through a singing competition, which earn to pay all debts of their family.
