Alberto Sorrentino

Elvio Battistini works as a ticket taker in the local cinema of the small town where he lives. He has a prosthesis in one leg, the result of an accident, but he tells anyone who will listen it is a war injury. Giuseppe Mondardini, is also an older man living alone in what was the splendid family home. When Elvio and Giuseppe meet, they hit it off immediately. A trip to a cooler area is in order, so Mordardini unveils his ancient automobile.


Bruno is an idealistic hero who questions the meaning of life in this confusing and sometimes hallucinatory erotic drama. After a night in jail, he is gang-raped by punk rockers in a garbage dump. He later saves an old man who believes he is Garibaldi and a woman he believes is Ophelia. Bruno watches helplessly as she later jumps from a window.


Concetta Li Cause, deprived of her husband Oreste by the Mafia, is coveted by Bologna Marcello and Charles postman. Besides the two, there are other suitors because the widow is rich; but Cosa Nostra deploys its resources to prevent the woman from finding a new partner.


A masked serial killer with psychosexual issues strangles female coeds with scarves before dismembering them. When a wealthy student identifies one of the scarves and thinks she has a lead on a suspect, she becomes the killer's next target, retreating to her family's remote cliffside villa with three of her girlfriends.


During the Middle Ages, a clumsy knight returns home where his wife awaits him. Sensuous and beautiful, she has attracted several male admirers during his absence, but her chastity belt has maintained her faithfulness. Now is her chance to wrest the key from him and enjoy herself. The knight’s portly friend has a similar problem with his equally gorgeous wife. And to top it off, both men have designs on the other’s wife — leading them to devise painful methods to discourage the other from trespassing.


La vita di Leonardo da Vinci — in English, The Life of Leonardo da Vinci — is a 1971 Italian television miniseries dramatizing the life of the Italian Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci. The Golden Globe-winning miniseries was directed by Renato Castellani, and produced by RAI and distributed in the United States by CBS, which aired it from August 13, 1972 to September 10, 1972. Castellani wrote the screenplay. It was filmed entirely on location in Italy and France. The total runtime of the five episodes is nearly five hours.


An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.


Poppea's Hot Nights (Italian: Le calde notti di Poppea) is a 1969 Italian comedy film set in Ancient Rome. It was written and directed by Guido Malatesta and stars Olga Schoberová (credited as Olinka Berova) and Brad Harris in the main roles.


Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.


A thief (George Chakiris) falls in love with a maid (Marina Vlady) and goes on the run after stealing Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."


In this costume adventure, a dashing swordsman helps protect Philip III of Spain from the traitors trying to overthrow him.


Two girls (a secretary and a musician) disguise themselves as men in order to work for a famous bald actor.


A mad scientist pursues a man hoping to study his brain.


A gang of outlaws terrorizes Rio Ciuccio. When they kill the sheriff his wife, an old neapolitan lady, takes his place.


An Italian historical drama.

After WWII, "Jack Grandi" falls in love with a young girl only to find that there is an historical enmity between his family and her's. Can their love survive the accusations of treason and betrayal?

A poor farmer is invited to the King's court and tries to prevent the princess' marriage to a villanious knight.

Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.


Gianna, a young radio singer, marries Giulio, director of a travel agency. Soon after, they welcome a child. The tranquility of their family life is deeply disturbed by the arrival in Rome of a French tourist, Giselle, who falls madly in love with Giulio. He reciprocates her feelings and becomes her lover. Gianna separates from her husband and devotes her attention to the child, while Giulio begins to live with Giselle. But the thought of his family leads Giulio to ponder severing ties with his lover. Unexpectedly, Giselle's lifeless body is found in Giulio's apartment. Evidence points to Giulio's guilt, so he attempts to escape abroad. Giulio is involved in a car accident close to the border, nearly killing him. In the hospital, it is revealed that Giselle was killed by her former Parisian lover. Healed of his serious wounds, Giulio returns to the affection of his wife and little daughter.

The young Uguccione is mistaken for Rascelito Villa called "C6", a dangerous revolutionary, and then immediately sent to Parazuela where he leads the insurrectionist troops.


A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.


The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.


Toto (Aldo Fabrizi), a Roman coachman with an old fashioned horse-drawn carriage who objects to the competition from motorised taxis, doesn't want his daughter Nannarella to go out with Roberto, a young taxi driver. But it is Roberto who helps him when he gets into trouble with a former client, Mary Dunchetti (Anna Magnani), an arrogant singer.
