Aldo Bigatti

A mechanic and an ad creator meet the daughter of an industrialist and her friend when they travel to Mar del Plata.

The Campanelli family messes up in Mar del Plata.


Mosaico (La vida de una modelo) is Néstor Paternostro's first film. It follows the life of a model (Perla Caron), from her discovery by a TV producer (Federico Luppi) to the moment when she decides to stop modeling. The narration is fragmentary ("so that each spectator can build his own movie", as said by Paternostro himself), and the movie is constructed mainly around the music by Núñez Palacios and rock singer Owe Monk.


A boy leaves home to take singing lessons with a teacher whom he befriends and a beautiful and ambitious young woman appears


A succession of television broadcasts has unexpected and terrifying effects on the minds of viewers.


A comedy that shows how TV news people hunted winners of the sport lottery (Prode) in Argentine when this was very popular.
