Aldo Nicodemi

A theater troupe's young, energetic leader has secured an old theater in which to produce his new production. The theater's elderly caretaker urges the group to leave at once. A vampire is awakened and discovers that one of the troupe is the reincarnation of the woman who he once loved.


At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.


The fourth of seven films that Raffaello Matarazzo made with Amedeo Nazzari and Yvonne Sanson in the starring roles during the fifties. These films were the epitome of operatic melodrama, and were hugely successful with the Italian public.


Renato, a young and honest man, falls for Lidia, a gangster's moll, and is forced to join his band.


Anna flees her home, where she has been victimized for years by her spineless father’s mean-spirited second wife, to be with her lover, an honest businessman yet to make his fortune. When he is accused of a murder he didn’t commit, the couple’s domestic tranquillity is upended, and a desperate Anna must rely on her cruel stepmother to help support their child.


A family drama involving a wife torn between her husband and her criminal ex-lover


Valjean's new life as a man of position and respect is forever threatened by dogged detective Javert.


Second part of the adapation of Hugo's novel "Les misérables".
