Alejandro Galindo

Ambitious, insensitive mother blocks daughter's marriage by telling her fiance a lie about her.

Courtroom drama focused on the background of a man accused of rape.


Nightclub owner wants to sell his business and move his family back to farm country, but criminal interests at the periphery of his circle create obstacles.

Two young men visiting their hometown for a family celebration get caught up in another family's drama, including an honor killing and a lynching.

A group of workers crossing the river is ambushed by rogue INS agents who intend to kill them all and plant drug on the corpse as evidence of cartel activity. One escapes, and he commits himself to helping a District Attorney collect evidence on the politicians and industrialists those agents work for.


Roman a clef, based on the final years of the life of singer/songwriter Jose Alfredo Jimenez.

A union leader dies in a sleazy hotel room, then the wife, mistress, police, co workers, reporters, colleagues, and political figures arrive to the hotel and each has its own intentions.


A politically-themed stage play provokes a murder. Police detective walks the cast through a reenactment of their performance as a way of investigating the crime.


The statue of a town's patron saint is broken just before the annual Saint's Day festival, so the priest hires a mime from a troupe of traveling players to impersonate the statue during the church's hours of operation.


The story of Mother and Daughter for a Husband and Stepfather who was killed by shotgun.


Pepito The child misbehaves because his stepfather is scolding. Buy a sauceboat but when his cat rubs it a genie appears. The child understands that it is the magic lamp and asked all sorts of goodies and the solution of their tasks, but when he needs money stepfather tells of genius. The stepfather asked to topple his partner's plane. Pepito refuses and flees with the lamp and throws it into a river to avoid falling into its power. The stepfather drowns while trying to rescue him.


Tacos al carbón is a mexican movie released on june 8th 1972 on Mexico City.


Gigolo devises underhanded schemes to insinuate himself into the lives of the wife and daughter of a rich man with a terminal illness.


Running from the law, young crooks hole up in a small town... and get hooked into performing in the town's Passion Play.


Lawyer and his secretary enter into a midlife marriage, deal with complications coming from their adult children and the former partners of each.


Doña Refugio works in an office until the bounce and has three children: Fernando who is studying to be a lawyer, doctor and Nacho Edmundo to work in a company as a truck driver gas. Things become difficult within the family and each seek solutions to economic oppression living.


Film-director assigned to making a teenaged-hoodlums crime drama, agonizes over the positive social message he wants his film to convey. Meanwhile, his young actors all have their own melodramas running...

The discovery of a young woman murdered in her car triggers unrelated problems among a diverse group of people.


Some unlucky accidents cause an innocent person to be convicted to jail time, and on release he can only find gainful employ in a criminal gang... but a little girl in a house he breaks into rehabilitates him with her innocence and simplicity. And stuff.

By the negligence of parents who not assume their responsibility in sex education, many lives are ruined


Fretful granny is upset when her granddaughter isn't home by 9 PM on Saturday night, so she teams up with a gangster to tour Mexico City nightclubs looking for her.


Comical mix-up in the operating room: by mistake, a notorious gangster's arm is grafted onto an accident-victim's stump.


A tailor is mistaken for the leader of an agricultural union and gets tangled up in a price-fixing conspiracy.

Chofi marry Alberto and very much in love, but her mother continues to intervene in the couple's relationship, which will lead to divorce.


Unassuming, milquetoast-y shepherd-boy is pressured into posing as a dangerous gunslinger.


When an inexperienced police officer discovers a corpse while inspecting a crime scene, he flees with no explanation. However, that action will help his unit to recover some stolen jewels during a robbery.


Grad student takes a summer gig acting as house mother/chaperone to a group of teenaged girls vacationing at a country villa.


Mexican worker Rafael Améndola runs from the police and cross the Mexican-American border, helped by Frank Mendoza, a partner of an American called Mr. Sterling, who gives work to illegal migrants. Once in the United States, Rafael does not adapt to his new life.


A young man fails as a seller of household goods and his sister, tired of poverty, elopes with a criminal.


Shady promoter hires a new boy for his boxing stable, but the young champ won't go along with his boss'es scams and machinations.

On vacation, an old lady and her niece pick up a hitch-hiker.


Governess falls in love with the uncle of the children she's teaching. Then complications.


Los dineros del diablo (The Devil's Money) is a Mexican drama film directed by Alejandro Galindo. It was released in 1953 and starring Amalia Aguilar and Roberto Cañedo.


A worker overwhelmed by the economic crisis and the cost of living is accidentally propaganda of a political party, apparently from left, who convinces him to join their ranks and defending the working class. After entering through a ritual as mysterious as typical, you will realize demagoguery and arrangements existing between union leaders to maintain the status quo unchanged and profit from mafia practices.


Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.


Idealistic young police officer deals with corruption in local government.


This dazed Mexican-melodrama-cum-boozer-heist-noir cuts a dark swath over a border nominally dominated by the hardboiled likes of Chandler and Hammett. Employing many of the classic tropes of Mexican noir (blood-tainted money, hothouse betrayals, the entrapped yearnings of dark hearts), we follow the slow demise of a gang who hole up in an attic in the wake of a fatal robbery. Galindo liberally dashes in lashes of the smokiest amour mort, gradually whittling it down to an ill-fated if rapturous coupling of gangster’s moll and underling. Starring Leticia Palma and Víctor Parra.


Rodrigo Cataño seeks to impose in his family a Porfirian order. One day a door to door salesman, Roberto del Hierro, comes into the house to sell an American vacuum cleaner from the "Bright O'Home" company. Maru, Mr. Cataño's daughter, watches Roberto while he demostrates the new machine. Roberto leaves and says he will come back to explain Mr. Cataño about the vacuum cleaner. Mr. Cataño is very upset because a man has been in his house without him been present. Nevertheless, with fast and inteligent talk, Roberto sells him the vacuum cleaner and, later on, a refrigerator. Maru is captivated by Roberto and they fall in love. Mr. Cataño is furious when Roberto announces to him he will marry Maru.


Taxi driver takes the wrong passenger at the wrong time and gets caught up in a murder investigation.


Union-organizing and labor/management conflicts among Mexico City bus-drivers. Sequel to "Esquina, Bajan!"


A big ol' player has different stages of a thing happening with each of the five women in a household.

Two Spanish children, boy and girl, make friends with a Mexican boy while on vacation. In adulthood, their friendship turns into a romantic triangle. Then bullfighting and the Foreign legion and stuff.


A small disparate group of people are aboard a multi-day, multi-stop flight from Mexico City to Buenos Aires.


Boisterous young charro has to prove to his girlfriend's parents that he's ready to settle down and be a responsible adult... but then somebody frames him for a murder and he has more immediate problems to deal with.


A young ice cream vendor, Roberto Terranova, witnesses a child being beaten and comes to his aid by physically overpowering the aggressor. His strength and natural ability catches the eye of a well-known boxing trainer. Considering him a diamond in the rough, he aims to put Roberto in the professional ring. But Roberto finds that his personal challenges must be overcome before he can achieve professional greatness.


Three newly unmarried women room together, start a business, share the ups and downs of their love lives

Heroic adventures in the banana industry.


Know what this is about?

Cantinflas enjoys the bullfight show, and wants to crash in every of these spectacles. Also, there's a professional bullfighter, Manolete, who is identical to Cantinflas. Manolete has to give a bullfight show in a village, but Cantinflas arrives first as a stowaway in a train, and he'll be mistake by the real bullfighter. Cantinflas will give us a demonstration of courage.


Every passenger boarding The Express has a story.


A 1940 film directed by Alejandro Galindo.


All through the school-year with a teacher and his fifth-grade boys.


The paths of a young woman and her late husband's mistress cross without their knowing it, which causes much confusion for the two women and their new partners.


A woman with a past meets a man with a past; the back story of each one represents an obstacle to their couple-bonding. Will they work through their traumas?

Mexican Revolution: a small squadron of insurgents are chosen to trek to US border and pick up an arms shipment.


A crazed scientist tries to keep his terminally ill wife alive by transfusing into her the blood of young women he murders.
