Aleksandr Davydov

It happens that any small thing can turn a life one hundred and eighty degrees. That's the life of Nina flowed habitually and comfortably: a loved one, a beautiful house and ahead - a cloudless future ... ... The quarrel broke out instantly - it cost Nina only to say taht she desires to get a baby. Furious Gleb, whose plans did not include diapers and sleepless nights, flies out of the house, but soon he returns completely lost and frightened - he just hit a man and fled the crime scene. That night their new life began ...

A former white officer, and now an employee of the NKVD, martial artist Viktor Spiridonov meets the disgraced Soviet intelligence agent Vasily Oshchepkov, who studied judo in Japan for a long time. They quickly find a common language, because both are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a national art of self-defense. But the joint work soon turns into an irreconcilable confrontation. Intrigues, betrayal, emotions will predetermine the tragic fate of the two great creators of sambo.