Aleksandr Demidov

On December 31, seven friends gather again in a country house to celebrate New Year together, but New Year's Eve is full of surprises ...

The characters will share stories from their personal life and career, immerse the viewer in nostalgic memories of their home, first tours, and relationships with girls. Thoughts about Nord-OST, memories of Mike Tyson's arrival in Odessa, arguments about large fees – these and many other first-person sketches will be told by the members of the creative group "Quartet I".

Seven friends, having gathered in a country house, begin to play the game in a joke - participants must read out aloud all messages that come to them, and answer calls only via speakerphone. They cannot even imagine what amazing revelations they will have to make about each other.


This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.


Contemporary Moscow. While riding her bicycle one day, Alyona, a shy librarian, accidentally collides with Liza, a dazzling blonde. When she wakes up in the hospital, she discovers that she and Liza have exchanged bodies.


Igor Tsaplin wants to be elected for a third term and PR team already familiar to us will help him.


The main characters of the film are residents of different places of this country, most common people, with whom most uncommon things, pure wonders, happen. Semyon and Lyuba, a family of fireguards, have a chance to fulfill a dream – to go to Moscow to take part in their favorite TV show “Field of Miracles” (“Pole Chudes”), where they should make a life choice “trophy or money?” An inexperienced officer of Patrol-Guard Service and at the same time an experienced loser Sanya will have to not only survive his first day of service but also to accept his wife’s labors and to reanimate his partner. Four newly acquainted fellows must by any means fly to Moscow in non-flying weather, and a couple of young lovers must reconcile their irreconcilable parents by some mysterious way. Valera has to decide on a dilemma: to save mankind from the Deluge or just to fly with his karaoke-alien-friends in their old UFO? All these things can happen only once a year – on December, 31!


On 9 May a German comes to Russia to marry the Russian beauty Alena, whom he had met in Berlin. The happy couple goes to the village to meet the bride’s relatives. However, Alena’s former husband Tolya is also on the way there: he has unexpectedly decided to get his wife back. Everything turns out as a romantic rivalry, which involves – apart from Tolya and Helmut – their friends, relatives, and the other inhabitants of the village: the businessman Yerofeev who has bought a house in the neighbourhood; a lost tank-man; and even a kite – they all meddle in the events.


Three friends awake after a stormy party in a totally unfamiliar place in the company of strangers and try to understand how they got here, who are these people and what really happened on the eve of ...


A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?


Four old friends - Kamil, Lesha, Sasha and Slava - all well-to-do professionals in their late 30s embarking on a two days road trip from Moscow to Odessa. They wish to escape the metropolis and the everyday routine of work, family and girlfriends to relax in a nightclub run by Slava's friend and to see the popular band B-2 show.


One (and not the most easy one) day from the life of a big Moscow radio station.


The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.


The action takes place on "Like a Radio". The rating of the radio station is approaching zero, the Agency that places ads on its air is suffering losses, advertisers are demanding a change of managers and are going to determine the station's policy themselves, the management staff is really changing, but the new bosses will not blindly obey the instructions of the advertising Agency.

The life of the former actress Nelly Evgenievna and her neighbor Klim Efremovich passed by the sea. Now they live old age in a small resort town, spending days in memory of past youth, quarreling, reconciling, philosophizing ... But suddenly the granddaughter of Nelly Evgenievna comes to their humble abode ..

Five stolen doves "monks" are helping to investigate a big diamonds theft.


Nastya is a talented athlete, a popular blogger and the first beauty of the school. When a new one comes into the class, she sets herself the goal of winning his attention, but she runs into indifference on his part. What will she have to do to win?

Ilya works as a trauma surgeon in a hospital. In the transition, he saves the life of a man who is trying to get compensation from a surgeon for broken ribs. This is the lesser of the doctor’s troubles. Saving the life of one of the patients, Ilya has to marry the girl while she is sleeping. With good intentions, the protagonist hides the official’s son in the hospital to knock out the latest equipment, but when the fraud is revealed, Ilya is kicked out and deprived of his license. In the maelstrom of events, Ilya does not lose his humor and self-confidence and challenges all troubles in spite of his enemies.
