Aleksandr Lazarev

Brussels is a multi-thread story set behind the scenes of the European political. A place of power and impotence, of love and betrayal, of dreams and bitterness.


Alexey Zaitsev is a professional showman. Restless agent and endless activities further and further alienate Zaitsev from the beloved. But the main problem is that he's been lying to everyone all his life, since kindergarten. And once the showman decides to experiment, after which all and he begins to tell the truth…


Oleg, the host of a TV show is asked to cover in his show a new ultramodern amusement park called "Park of the Soviet Period". The life in the park is an exaggerated version of the soviet life - pioneers parading, girls selling soda water on the street, socialist banners are everywhere, communist party decisions, free medical procedures, etc. When Oleg falls in love with a nurse he discovers that the rules of the Park forbid any personal contact with the staff, that was trained to live a very different life compared to the life in the world outside. As he fights to gain the heart of the nurse he finds deep flaws in the Utopian atmosphere of the park and decides he must do something about it.


The Idiot is a costume drama TV series produced by Russia TV Channel in 2003, based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel of the same title. The series' script is very close to Dostoevsky's original text, and the series features well-known Russian actors.


The classic story about a musicians from Bremen is told in not so classical way.


Life in art based on the plays of A. Ostrovsky: "Talents and Admirers", "Forest", etc.


Caring Svetlana wants to give her close friend Natalia and secretly sends her data to the dating bureau. After some time, on the threshold of the apartment of unsuspecting Svetlana, two men appear in full bloom ...


France, XV century. The young Scot, striving to make his worthy efforts, is kindly treated by the king and admitted to the guard. Soon the king entrusts him with a difficult mission - however, the matter turns into an insidious deception. Saving his beloved, the shooter of the guard shows miracles of courage and nobility ...


The psychologist Natalya by the nature of the office activity understands tangled family dramas of everyday life by the clients, finding proper words and arguments. To keep foreign families - her work. However, will of a case, falls to Natalya's lot to endure treachery, jealousy and loneliness. The husband who has fallen in love with the young circus performer has decided to leave her.


Vasily Muravin, 50, a teacher at the Moscow Institute of Management, is experiencing a crisis. At work, the place of the head of the department is replaced by the more pragmatic, but limited person Valentin Romanovsky. At home, his wife Lida, who earns at work more than her husband, habitually reproaches him for indecision. It’s hard for Muravin to come to terms with his established attitude to himself, but he is most worried when his wife shows disrespect for his main hobby - playing the guitar. Once, unable to bear the bullying, Muravin suddenly leaves the family (wife and daughter) and from work.


Soviet adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.


A story from the life in the beginning of XX century based on the theater play by Maxim Gorky.


The protagonist of the film, engineer Barkasov, finds himself in ridiculous and anecdotal situations all day. He is a responsible worker, the head of a large institution and is completely exhausted from pressing urgent matters. On the advice of a doctor, his deputy bought two operetta tickets for his boss and ordered secretary Sofochka to accompany Barkasov at an evening performance...


The series tells about how police officers, investigating the case of robberies and murders in hotels, managed not only to neutralize, but also to expose major plunderers of socialist property.


She is a business, courageous and energetic woman. He is spineless, awkward and also not amenable to “correction.” It goes to divorce. Moreover, an ardent admirer of her beauty suddenly appears on the horizon. However, this circumstance, ultimately, leads to an unexpected result...


1918 year. The ships of the military mission of the Entente countries are ready to begin an armed intervention against the Land of Soviets. Faced with betrayal and constant provocations, in extremely difficult conditions the first Council of workers, soldiers and peasants' deputies, headed by Konstantin Sukhanov, works here.

A story based on the tales "The Marble Heart" and "The Spessart Inn" by Wilhelm Hauff.


A Star-ship discovers a dead alien space craft. All the humanoid crew are dead except for one woman. When revived she remembers nothing of the accident which crippled the space craft, and is brought back to earth to be studied.


A funny comedy about a group of inspectors preparing to build a labyrinth in a small town.


A story of a Soviet spy working in Grance during WWII.

The play is about the Game, about creativity, which this time turned into the form of a brilliant speck. Skillfully, talentedly and artistically, the victim of the same players as himself, Ikharev does not suffer a catastrophe, because his "Adelaide Ivanovna" remains with him. Tool and mascot of his game. His secret manuscript ...

In the fall of 1938, three former fighters of the international brigade — russian Shukhov, frenchman Henri and american Liz — fall into a resort town on the border of Spain and France. Having met a nurse who is supposed to send Spanish children to Corsica, they decide to help her. However, a fascist rebellion suddenly breaks out in the city, and the children are held hostage to criminals.


The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.


Psychologist Petrov and sociologist Burtsev are invited by Basov, the director of a factory, to study the basic problem of production.


A young actress before playing in the movie legendary partisan, looking for everyone who knew her character. And suddenly learns that the fearless guerrilla is alive and works as the Director of resort hotel where the film crew stopped. Then follow the exciting meeting of the rising movie star with the heroine of the glorious past and the truth of life…


War drama depicting the tragical story of PQ-17 Arctic convoy in July 1942.


Based on the Don stories by Mikhail Sholokhov. Soviet power was only established on the Don, and a conflict broke out in the first commune: the wife of the commune’s leader Arseniy Klyukvin, having believed the promises of the white officer, fell in love and went to live with him with the child. She doesn't want to hide her feelings, but unable to withstand the bestial attitude of a white officer, she returns back to the Bolshevik.


TV adaptation of Nikolai Chernyshevsky's novel about Vera Pavlovna, a woman who escapes the control of her family and arranged marriage to seek economic independence.

Based on the novel of the same name by Anton Chekhov. Princess Mariya fell in love with doctor Toporkov, who was treating her, in the recent past the serf of her family. Now he has become a celebrity and is only concerned about buying a new home profitably. He does not notice her love and marries a rich merchant. The princess in love comes to see Toporkov and opens to him. Her strong feeling touches Toporkov’s hardened heart, he leaves his wife and leaves the princess abroad.


For the first time, Natasha saw Elektron Yevdokimov at the Polytechnic Museum, where she came with Feliks. Then she really liked the confident speaker. Relations with Feliks didn't work out, and Natasha, leaving home, became a flight attendant — that is what she called her new profession. Once in a cafe, before the next flight, Natasha saw Yevdokimov. They met and began to meet. They experience their feelings for each other in different ways. By the power of her love, Natasha makes Yevdokimov understand what love is.


The continuation of a story started by Alexander Stolper epic movie "Zhivye i Myortvye".


Based on the operetta of the same name by Isaak Dunayevsky. The port town of one of the small southern countries. After the Nazi occupiers left, the port's berths were empty, the steamers did not smoke, cargo cranes stood. Fearing retaliation for collaborating with enemies, port owner Georg Stan fled the city. After waiting a while and securing the support of local authorities, Stan nonetheless returns - and loading operations begin in the port. While loading oranges, the sailor Yango and the beautiful Stella are preparing for the wedding. Suddenly, Stan makes a proposal to the girl and tricks her into agreeing. Upon learning of the deception, the girl runs away to Yango. Having discovered weapons intended to support fascism in the drawer of the hold, the heroes do everything possible to make the boxes fall to the bottom of the sea.