Aleksandr Lykov

After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"...


Beautiful Nina lives happily married, as she saw it, with intelligent Alexandr, professor of Sinology. But the debt for the mortgage begins to disturb the relationship of spouses. One day she meets Sergey, the head of the bank where her husband has debt, and so begins their passionate relationships. The story of the relationship with married Sergey hardly promises happiness, but Nina realizes that for the first time she feels true love.


Van'ka works as a doorman at the hotel. He hates its wealthy guests, but has dreams to live a luxurious life. Forced to live in a car, he's miserable. In this already difficult situation he comes across the collector Sergey, who is determined to knock out the debt out of Vanka.


A Russian crime drama series, based on the Sherlock Holmes detective stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Occupied Western Ukraine, 1944. The Soviet High Command is concerned about a large-scale, highly classified construction running through the line of the Soviet offensive. A reconnaissance unit is deployed and a Soviet scout is placed behind enemy's lines in order to obtain information about the project.


Meet the Solntsevo family - three crazy kids with no parental supervision, living in a hovel in the middle of Nowhere-on-the-Black-Sea. When their shack blows up, what can they do? Flee to Moscow in search of food, love, happiness and Mom - with one of their fathers locked in the trunk and the police close behind. Take this scenic road trip, Russian-style, starring some of the cutest soon-to-be-international stars and a hairless dog.


Two escaped convicts pose as children's summer camp staff in order to evade capture and learn about caring for others in the process. Sumrak has been in prison since he was 16 years old but is pushing thirty now, is well acquainted with prison gang culture and covered with tattoos. Evgeni Koltsov is a former police officer unjustly imprisoned and destined for a death sentence from the other inmates if he stays in prison.


Одинокий профессор филологии, пенсионер Андрей Павлович, типичный рафинированный интеллигент, приводит к себе гости случайную попутчицу Катю. С этого момента его жизнь кардинально меняется. Катя оказывается стареющей путаной, вслед за ней в дом профессора нескончаемой вереницей тянутся странные люди из воровского мира. Скромный пенсионер превращается в члена криминального сообщества и хозяина двух "ночных бабочек" — Марго и Белоснежки. Далее сюжет развивается по законам черной комедии: новые случайные жертвы, возня с покойниками, ремонт в доме. На фоне криминальных событий меняется сам пенсионер.


The husband decided to celebrate the New year with a young mistress in his country house, converted from a former pig farm, he sends his wife to visit his mother-in-law, and for an alibi invites an old friend…


A former German officer is coming back to USSR in order to help to clear land mines he put during the war.


"Дзисай" в переводе с древнеяпонского - "жертвенный козел отпущения". Мудрые японские императоры, зная, что их благополучие и здоровье принадлежит не только им самим, но и всей нации, держали при себе специального человека, который принимал на себя все беды и несчастья, грозящие хозяину. Этот самоотверженный человек и носил гордое прозвище Дзисай, именно на него и валились все шишки, которые судьба щедро отпускала на долю императора. Начитанный российский бизнесмен, узнав об этой древней традиции, также решил создать себе подобный "громоотвод", дабы защититься от всевозможных напастей. Его Дзисаем становится безработный, "бывший интеллигентный человек", обреченный получать тумаки и затрещины вместо предприимчивого хозяина...


A comedy about a New Year Eve celebration in one very funny hospital.


Anzhelika is a young waitress with one special quality - her libido goes sky high during the thunderstorm...


A love story of two people which turns out into triangle... So the steady family walls do not seem so steady anymore...


Upset after a failed audition actor "vote a ride" driven by a pretty young woman. Suddenly they become hostages of the bandits seeking to get out of the city with the cargo received at the airport…

In Russia at the turn of the century, a wealthy Jewish merchant enjoys the best of relations with his Russian neighbours, while his respected home forms the obvious social centre of the entire community. However, the atmosphere grows more tense as the local authorities come under pressure to fall in line with the officially sanctioned anti-Semitic policies of the Tsarist Government. The village elder is one of our hero's best friends and together they seem to find a way to outwit these evil intentions but unfortunately they fail to understand what forces they are dealing with in a country where anti-Semitism is state policy.


Tashkent, 1942. At this time, the hospitable city became a refuge for tens of thousands of people tired of hunger and cold war years. In urban stores, warehouses and markets in abundance of food and other goods. All this attracts the attention of criminals of different stripes, who in search of easy money gathered in Tashkent from all over the vast country. There are several criminal groups here. At the beginning of summer in the city there is a new gang operating with special impudence and cruelty…

A small provincial town is home to two rival teenage gangs, one devoted to loose living and punk music and the other a collection of narrow-minded bodybuilders obsessed with order and convinced of their own moral rectitude. However, this cosy state of affairs is upset by the arrival of two strangers dressed like Pushkin, the famous early 19th century Russian poet, who proceed to found their own organisation, dedicated ostensibly to the memory of the great writer and the "salvation of Russia". Gradually, they begin to assume control of the town...


Travels from village to village broken old bus with a small troupe of actors to give a day two or three performances in front of a small audience. In the troupe — people, each of them in his own way in love with the theater…
