Aleksandra Popławska

Wojciech, who does not feel the ubiquitous joyful atmosphere, meets someone who changes his holiday plans. In turn, Karina and Szczepan get embroiled in a fight for an inheritance that may divide even their loved ones. They will see if the only thing that comes out well with the family is in the photos.

A touching story about the most important human matters: love, loneliness, sacrifice and courage, around the life of Ewa, a woman who works looking for families for orphaned children.



City of Lodz in Poland, after the Second World War. Two brothers, Tadek and Andrzej, grow up without a father, and their mother, so busy at work, does not notice when the boys join a rowdy and anti-Semitic organization.Only when during a fight one of the boys gets hurt, she realizes what is going on. Then she decides to leave Poland together with her family and go to... Australia. At the end of the trip it comes out that the goal was not to reach Australia but Israel. Boys become aware of their and their family roots.


The wedding of Kornel, a young, well known TV scientist, to the famous singer, Alicja, is to be the social event of the year. In the suburban reception hall, the final preperations are being made. The waiter, Tytus, who is somewhat touchy having just found out he is to become a father, lays out the cutlery on the tables.
