Aleksandra Sokolova

Based on the story of the same name by Anatoliy Kalinin. A young village woman, Klavdiya Pukhlyakova, the mother of a newborn girl, finds a gypsy boy at the crushed kibitka under the tanks. Having pity on the child, she takes him home and raises him as her own son. 17 years pass. Once in the village appears a lonely gypsy Budulai, who has experienced a lot. He very quickly gained the sympathy of Pukhlyakova's adoptive son. Suspecting that Budulai is the father of her gypsy boy, Klavdiya fears that the peace of the family will be disturbed...


Based on the novel by Mikhail Stelmakh “A Big Family”. The second film of the trilogy (“Human Blood is Not a Water”, “Dmitro Goritsvit”, “People Don’t Know Everything”) tells about one of the first collective farms of Ukraine, the fight against the kulaks and the love of the communist Dmitro Goritsvit for Marta, the Petliurist's daughter, who guilty of the death of Dmitro's father.