Aleksandre Omiadze

A young idealist takes a job at a local state run winery only to discover and become disillusioned by the corruption of the Soviet State.


In Georgia during WWII Zurikela, an orphan boy, meets Khatia, a blind girl, and vows to help her to see again.


The only son of Otari’s widow decides to serve in the serf owner’s house, and falls in love with the patron’s daughter for whom he can’t reveal his feelings to.


This chamber drama is set in Georgia on the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A simple peasant family makes its living by selling yogurt which the Magdany widow takes every morning to the town market. Once, in their mother’s absence, the children – six-year-old Mikho and three-year-old Kato – found an abandoned donkey on a road leading to their village. The foundling was fed, tended, and the moment the donkey opened its big, tender eyes, it was named “Lurdja”, which means “blue-eyed”. Surrounded by love and care, the donkey became a big help in the poor household. But this idyll was not to last long…


The modest Sandro does not dare to reveal his love to Maro, who, in turn, is very jealous of Sandro’s friendship with a female football instructor. Maro’s suspicions are unfounded, as Sandro is passionate about football and has only a sporting interest in the instructor.