Aleksei Buldakov

A comedy about Masha First (the grand-granddaughter of Johnny First) who comes to Russia from USA trying to make her own movie.


Epic film about WWII, a sequel to Utomlyonnye solntsem (1994). Evil Stalin is terrorizing people of Russia while the Nazis are advancing. Russian officer Kotov, who miraculously survived the death sentence in Stalin's Purge, is now fighting in the front-lines. His daughter, Nadia, who survived a rape attempt by Nazi soldiers, is now a nurse risking her own life to save others. In the war-torn nation even former enemies are fighting together to defend their land. People stand up united for the sake of victory. Written by Steve Shelokhonov


June 1941. Two young village boys are taken by surprise by the outbreak of war. One of them receives a summons to the draft board, although he is not at all eager to go to the front. Another boy, an ardent Komsomol member goes to the militia voluntarily. Accelerated military courses, broken first love - and a platoon of militia with our friends find themselves on the edge of the impending German armada ... The test by fire will show who is who ...

A Russian WW2 spy spoof following misadventures of a clueless Soviet secret agent trapped inside Hitler's inner circle.


A funny comedy about the Russian footfall team and their adventures during the World Cup.


Группа неудачливых артистов собирается вокруг одного человека, одержимого идеей создания нового театра. Бригада артистов едет в поездку по городам с антрепризой. В бригаде нет известных артистов, и поэтому бригадиру приходится немало потрудиться, чтобы собрать зал. В ход идет все: объявления в афише с последующим заявлением, что звезда не приехала в последний момент, готовность, в зависимости от обстоятельств и вкуса местной публики играть спектакль в любом жанре - от трагедии, до фарса, включая ужастик, детектив и т.д.

Successful businessman Anton is a single father. Things take so much time that he had no time to engage in the education of a small Dany. The poor boy is suffering from loneliness. Dad is almost never home, and my mother has long left the family and is not interested in the fate of the child. All abandoned, left to myself baby the entire soul is bound to Mashs, the leading television programs for children "Evening fairy tale".

Oleg, the host of a TV show is asked to cover in his show a new ultramodern amusement park called "Park of the Soviet Period". The life in the park is an exaggerated version of the soviet life - pioneers parading, girls selling soda water on the street, socialist banners are everywhere, communist party decisions, free medical procedures, etc. When Oleg falls in love with a nurse he discovers that the rules of the Park forbid any personal contact with the staff, that was trained to live a very different life compared to the life in the world outside. As he fights to gain the heart of the nurse he finds deep flaws in the Utopian atmosphere of the park and decides he must do something about it.


Colonel Fox is in charge of a counter terrorism group that will now have the complicated mission to help the police to prevent a dangerous Chechen terrorist organization that wants to free its leader at any cost, even if it has to destroy the whole place.


General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova now are going into politics.


Компания аферистов создаёт школу нянечек и педагогов по оказанию "воспитательных" услуг населению. Сотрудниками фирмы становятся исключительно бомжи с площади трёх вокзалов, находящиеся в подчинении у бригадира Горыныча (Алексей Булдаков). Народ подобрался весьма разношёрстный, и под каждого сочиняется благопристойная легенда с рекомендациями. Таким образом, мошенники не только надували доверчивых граждан, клюнувших на рекламное объявление, но и вполне реально решали проблему бездомных предоставляя им питание и крышу над головой, а что из этого вышло смотрите сами...


Levchik, the owner of an Internet cafe, got into jail for financial fraud. His cellmates - the authority Zhuk and the repeat offender Kolyan quickly realized that Levchik had considerable grandmothers left in the wild. But they could not know that the criminally acquired money was pocketed by Levchik’s native aunt, the healer Maria Immaculate.

Now the peculiarities of the national hunt are investigated during the winter season.


General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova lose their way on a fishing trip and wind up in a neighboring country, where they decide to have a good time anyway but end up leaving their vodka and fishing equipment behind.


A group Russian soldiers is send to an outpost to guard the area. They pass the day patroulling the area, while being shot at from the forest. They never know if the civillions are hostile or friendly to them.


The film is about state security organs' activity.

Two people meet one another in a multi-million city...


A biography of the famous Belarus poetess Larisa Antonovna Geniyush.

A comedy about a New Year Eve celebration in one very funny hospital.


A Finn preparing a work on the Russian hunting traditions and customs, comes to Russia to collect materials and is invited to take part in a hunting party. His flamboyant companions include an Army general, with more than a passing resemblance to Aleksander Lebed, a police detective, local forest ranger (a devotee of Zen Buddhism) and some big-city types from St. Petersburg. Inevitably, their good intentions soon give way to endless drinking, visits to local farm girls and much else besides.


The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.


Young soldiers of the Soviet Internal Troops are brutally bullied during their time of Dedovshchina(hazing). The plot unfolds mostly on board of a prisoner transport rail car guarded by a unit of paramilitary conscripts.


All Costs Paid is a Soviet TV miniseries produced by Studio Ekran. The director Aleksei Saltykov well known for his film The Chairman with Mikhail Ulyanov, an acclaimed Russian actor playing a main character. All Costs Paid is one of the first Soviet feature films that shows the war in Afghanistan. Film has unusually truthful point of view on that period of Soviet Era and on the Soviet war in Afghanistan.


After the war ended, Bachurin returned home with awards, where his family and a huge garden, which he had loved since childhood, were waiting for him. But a decree was issued on the taxation of fruit trees in private estates. And Bachurin ruined the garden, scalding the apple trees with boiling water. So he got his first big term ...


This is a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics co-production. This film is set during World War II, and is about a female Russian soldier named Masha. She is on a mission to discover a secret Japanese base in Korea. Everybody who accompanies her on the mission shortly dies, and she’s forced to stay with a local fisherman. She is trying to get the information about the base location back to the Russian army, because if she doesn’t, the Japanese will unleash the “Sakura Plan”, which is an all-out biological warfare assualt on the world.


A woman defends during World War II her home and her family against Hitler's soldiers.


Captain of a Russian battleship "Novik" Artenyev is in love with a beautiful lady Klara who is a German spy. They cannot be together because of the war and their professions. But they are in such love that all the war battles and battleships do not stop them, only their duties do.


1932. Ural, city of Krasnouralsk. The power plant has been sabotaged. The turbine is out of order. Having put the guards to sleep, someone poured sand into the turbine oil. In Moscow, the leadership of the OGPU received a secret cipher. From it it becomes known about the conspiracy of German intelligence against the USSR. Its main purpose — subversive actions in Soviet power plants. Special attention is paid to the Urals and the Dnieper under construction. Diversion in Krasnosilske — link in this chain. In Krasnotalsk sent a special agent of the OGPU Viktor Sergeevich Lartsev.

According to the novel by S. Rodionov, "Cambrian Clay". Investigator Ryabinin is instructed to conduct the case of theft of gasoline. His predecessor, having arrested the Toptunov gas station operator and not providing the leadership with evidence, was removed from business. Ryabinin frees the operator and thereby makes a big mistake: Toptunov is killed, and gasoline continues to flow through a hidden bypass pipe ...


1944 year. Carpathians. Soviet intelligence officers were tasked with detecting and destroying a strategically important enemy object - a uranium ore warehouse, encoded by the nazis under the name "Paradise".

Musical comedy based on Russian folklore stories about an adventures of three friends .


Veliky Ustyug at the beginning of the 17th century. Semyon Dezhnyov falls in love with the daughter of a rich merchant — Avdotya, but the groom is poor. The girl's father sets a condition: Dezhnyov must go to Siberia and get rich — only then will he receive consent to marry. Dezhnyov agrees and leaves for Siberia. Although he passes the test, he does not return to Avdotya. He finds a strait "from a warm sea to a cold one": from the mouth of the Kolyma he swims to the Pacific Ocean and opens the strait between the continents.
