Aleksei Konsovsky

Animation film consists of four small stories. No Trouble, Boy from Naples, Cinderella and Hazelnut Twig.

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It is a dramatic story which happened in Antarctic where the penguins come for summer to raise their baby birds.

The story about the wild creatures of the wild forest and one impudent Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to him.


A satirical fairy tale about an old tsar Dadon and a golden cockerel who guarded the borders of his kingdom.


In a romantic and philosophical tale of magic and love, a mischievous Sorcerer turns a bear into a young man. Unhappy in his new state, the former bear, with the help of the magician and his beautiful wife, is looking for a princess to kiss in order for his wish to be granted. Certain that all princesses are a vain, spoiled lot, he approaches the first one he sees. But the princess herself is gentle, kind and beautiful, and she and the young man fall in love with each other at the first sight. Unable to bring her pain, he runs away without explaining. As the Princess takes brave actions to find her beloved, new characters enter the story, including the King's ambitious Prime Minister and a hunter looking for a bear fur to complete his collection. How will this complicated plot be resolved?


A never ending polar night reigns. The agitated residents of a village truns to a shaman but he won't help them. A brave young hunter goes in search for the sun.


A USSR animated short adapted from one of Jomo Kenyatta's fables.

In the film an ancient Lithuanian legend is told about an origin of amber. For the sake of love to fisherman Kastytis sea tsarevna Jurate offered herself up. Her fiance, terrible god Perkunas destroyed the amber castle where she lived and it scattered into a thousand slices.


When the Snow Queen, a lonely and powerful fairy, kidnaps the human boy Kay, his best friend Gerda must overcome many obstacles on her journey to rescue him.


A biopic about the life of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - Russian polymath, scientist and writer.


Before going on an overseas journey, a merchant father asks his three daughters what they would like him to bring back for them. The eldest asks for a shining tiara, the middle asks for a frame through which her face would always appear young, and the youngest (Nastenka) asks her father to bring her a beautiful scarlet flower like one which she saw in her dreams. Her elder sisters laugh at this simple wish. The father's trip is successful and he finds everything that he came for, with the exception of Nastenka's scarlet flower. Nevertheless, the ship heaves off and they begin to head back while the father scans the lands around him for a scarlet flower.


Growing up in a Ukrainian peasant family, knowing all hardships of serf life, young artist and poet Taras Shevchenko in the years of study clearly identifies the meaning of true art, which is to serve the interests of the people. The poems of Shevchenko are imbued with love for the common people. Fiery freedom-loving creativity of Taras Shevchenko is known throughout Russia. Nicholas I exiles the poet to the distant Caspian fort where he is to serve as an ordinary soldier and is banned from writing or drawing. In the poet's difficult days he has the support of Ukrainian soldier Skobelev, Polish revolutionary Sierakowski, captain Kosarev and the commandant of the fortress, Uskov. For the sake of his release Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov are hard at work. And so, the sick and aged Shevchenko is finally free. Together with Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, he dreams of a bright future of the motherland, when the Russian and Ukrainian peoples throw off the chains of slavery.


About the life of the Russian biologist Ivan Michurin. 1912 year. Having rejected American offers to work abroad, Michurin continues his research in the Russian Empire, despite the fact that his ideas are not perceived by the tsarist government, the church and idealistic science. Michurin is supported by prominent scientists of the country and he continues to work hard. After the October Revolution, a small Michurin garden in the city of Kozlov (the biologist's homeland) becomes a large state nursery.


In the fairy kingdom live stepmother, her evil daughters — Anna and Maryana, a limp husband-forester and his daughter from his first marriage — Cinderella. The stepmother exploits the poor girl as a housekeeper. With the help of her godmother-fairy, Cinderella gets to the royal ball, where a beautiful and very kind prince falls in love with her. At midnight, the magic ends, and poor Cinderella has to return to her former life. But on the crystal shoe that Cinderella lost while fleeing the palace to the battle of the palace chimes, the prince searches for the bride.


A story about the boys and their life during the WWII. Based on Lev Kassil book.


This is a dramatic story of the restoration of the mines after the liberation of Donbass from the Nazis during the Second World War.


The film is about the Soviet youth who fearlessly fight in the years of the Great Patriotic War against the Nazi invaders in the German-occupied Donbass and continue the work of their fathers, who in their time defended the Soviet Union.


A story about two teenagers and their life during WWII in Urals district of Russia.


1837, the Russian land lost one of the great masters of the pen and thinkers, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. This news stirred the heart of another brilliant poet, Mikhail Lermontov. In the greatest grief, he composes a famous poem about this sad event, which very excited the public. After this, the poet was serving a link in the Caucasus. The following shows the main life turns of the fate of Michael, his emotional state. Suffering, joy, excitement, spirited, rebellious — this is how the great Russian poet appears before the audience in the ingenious lines of his poems, in deep reflections, in bold and audacious acts.


Lovely telegraph operator Masha Stepanova is a sanitary nurse. During a training alarm, she meets a taxi driver Alexei (Alyosha) Solovyov. He reads verses to a girl and invites her to the theater. But at the appointed time, Alyosha doesn't come, and Mashenka finds him, helps to recover. Young people fell in love with each other, but Alexei was too frivolous, and brings the girl a lot of sorrows and insults. Because of Alexei’s hobby for another girl, Masha breaks up with him. But she will be able to convey her faithful and true-hearted feeling through years of separation and the hardships of wartime, and when they meet again at the front of the Finnish War, Solovyov realizes what a gift of fate was meeting him with this girl.


Two look-alike boys, one a poor street kid and the other a prince, exchange places to see what the other's life is like.


Together with other graduates of the Maritime Institute, Irina Zakharova returns to her native Odessa. At the distribution commission, she seeks the appointment of the first assistant to the captain on the infamous Pobeda vessel, with the most loosened crew. Carrying a personal example of sailors, Irina successfully fights for a turning point in the mood of sailors, and when the ship gets into a storm, she shows the outstanding qualities of a real sailor. Against the background of these events, the theme of lyrical relationships between Irina and the navigator of the red-flagged ship "Abkhazia" Vasily in love with her is unfolding.


Directed by Grigori Roshal.


A few very hard days from the life of Kositsyn - the sailor from the coast guard ship.

On one of the October nights at the ball, gymnasium pupils and officers scoff at the love of Kuzma Zakharkin, the “cook's son”, to Lena, the daughter of the manufacturer. Cannon volley interrupts the fun. In the city begins the Moscow armed uprising of workers. At the center of the fate of two families is the capitalist Leontyev and the worker Zakharkin, whose sons became the organizers and participants of this uprising.


While a factory director is distracted by production problems, his adolescent son suffers from loneliness. His mother is dead, and the father – a kind man and exemplary communist, winner of a Lenin Prize – is unable to find the time to educate his son, or a way to express his feelings. After an argument, the young boy runs away and, at his own risk, joins a band of criminals.
