Aleksey Faddeev

When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.


A new era is about to begin in Eastern Europe. Scythians, the proud warriors, are all but gone and most of the few remaining descendants have become ruthless mercenary assassins. Lutobor, a warrior who becomes involved in intertribal conflicts, sets off on a perilous journey to save his family guided by a captive Scythian.


Based on true story of the most famous Soviet counterfeiter.


Somebody founds a body of 40-year old woman in the park in Moscow. Police closes the case thinking that she died by natural causes. But her husband Sotnikov, who is a financial analytic and mathematic is sure that she was murdered. Having no legal or medical skills, he starts his own investigation and finds the proof of the murder but also he finds out that his wife had an affair.


Without sleep, the human body can not exist forever. In one of the underground casinos, more like a secret club, they play only the richest, the most influential and ... the most sated. Those who are willing to put a fortune on red, if it is red - blood. For them, and was created a new tote, based on the game "Insomnia", which is held only once a year. The casino customers risk millions by betting, but the players risk much more.

Baiopic about the glorious hero who left the military business and devoted the rest of his life to God.
