Aleksey Kortnev

The main character is a cute ambitious girl Rita from a provincial town on the Black Sea coast. She decides to break out of the routine of doing local weddings and matinees and arrives to conquer the capital, trying to enroll in a drama school. She is waiting for a lot of difficult tests, which sometimes turn into very funny stories.


Igor Tsaplin wants to be elected for a third term and PR team already familiar to us will help him.


A story of a young girl Claudia who works as a security guard on a slowly dying metal plant.


A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?


Four old friends - Kamil, Lesha, Sasha and Slava - all well-to-do professionals in their late 30s embarking on a two days road trip from Moscow to Odessa. They wish to escape the metropolis and the everyday routine of work, family and girlfriends to relax in a nightclub run by Slava's friend and to see the popular band B-2 show.


Young Tanya and Sasha decide to create a dance show in order to convince their families and the whole world in their love to dance.


One (and not the most easy one) day from the life of a big Moscow radio station.


Denis Komarov is a policeman. He is an expert in technical equipment, a top specialist. His wife Natasha is a school coach. The ordinary family with a modest income leads a settled happy life until they get terrible news. Their only lovely child, the 8 year old Olya, is severely ill. Her last chance is a very expensive operation on kidney transplantation. The despaired parents are going to sell their apartments, but suddenly they get an alternative solution.

From his childhood in Russia to his last days in California, the tumultuous ininerary and bathed in melancholy of the legendary pianist and composer Serguei Rachmaninov. This film is based on the legend that Rachmaninoff received a bouquet of lilacs from an unknown admirer after every performance. He emigrated to the United States, and after an interval, began to receive the mysterious lilacs again.


The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.


After an accident, an unconscious and charming millionaire from Moscow lands in a provincial boarding house where he is surrounded with loving care by four sexy nurses.


In the near future, writer Victor Banev gets himself on a UN commission to investigate what's going on in the remote town of Tashlinsk, where reports tell of a virus-created race of brainiac mutants. Banev's tween daughter Ira is enrolled at a school for gifted children which has been taken over by the mutants, who have grown to despise ordinary humanity.
