Aleksey Makarov

The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical play: if any rays of light do appear in the dark empire, then they are doomed to perish quietly in the general absurdity and ignorance, or shine brightly as a token of protest against lie and tyranny. The young, married girl Katerina Kabanova leads a happy life — at first sight. Only her mother-in-law Kabanikha constantly nags her and does not allow her to take things easy. Her weak-willed husband Tikhon loves his wife, but he always sides with his powerful mother. When Katerina unexpectedly falls in love with Boris, the young relative of the town’s mayor, she finds that he also has tender feelings for her…


Five novels about a radio network in our life. Someone use it as a tool for influence, someone for an expression of feelings and someone just for cynical calculation.


История о настоящих Героях, которые живут здесь и сейчас. И на которых хочется быть похожими. Это история о настоящих Женщинах, которые умеют ждать. О людях, которые работают на космос в ЦУПе и Звёздном, на Байконуре и в институте космической медицины. Это кино о Подвиге, настоящей мужской дружбе и большой любви. О том, чего нам в этой жизни так не хватает.

The shrill and tragic story about an event that involved Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. In an infantry regiment of the military based in the Tula region an offence occurs. In this regiment, the capital’s lieutenant Grigory Kolokoltsev — inspired by progressive ideas — does his service. A military tribunal and execution await the soldier charged with the offence. Kolokoltsev asks Count Tolstoy for help — and he decides to protect the innocent man. The pointed history about the complexity of choice and fidelity to one’s ideals is based on real events.


Igor Tsaplin wants to be elected for a third term and PR team already familiar to us will help him.


After avenging the murder of her husband, Polina flees to Odessa where she hopes to hide from her merciless enemies. There she meets a young and charming Gleb and their sympathy begins to grow into something more ... but the mafia’s influence spreads very far, and the criminal group comes to the city to deal with her ‘for good’. Thus, Polina becomes a reason for fights for the territories. To stop this endless criminal saga, Polina is forced to turn from a victim into a hunter which draws her new and, as it turns out, mysterious friends into this dangerous game ...

Is it fun to be panda? May be... But not for Misha whose job is to work as a panda during birthday parties.


Major Baranov, a professional with a difficult character, for excessive zeal suspended from service and toiling on small jobs. Suddenly, he was offered to participate in the operation to expose a dangerous criminal who escaped from prison. And all would be well, but in the case is too many pitfalls: the major will have to go to a small town, get a teacher in kindergarten, and even conduct an investigation under the leadership of a woman…

A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?


Rita, a figure skating coach, wants to prevent her school bankruptcy and closing by trying to push the famous millionaire to fall in love with her.


Romance, in Russian

In 16th-century Russia in the grip of chaos, Ivan the Terrible strongly believes he is vested with a holy mission. Believing he can understand and interpret the signs, he sees the Last Judgment approaching. He establishes absolute power, cruelly destroying anyone who gets in his way. During this reign of terror, Philip, the superior of the monastery on the Solovetsky Islands, a great scholar and Ivan's close friend, dares to oppose the sovereign's mystical tyranny. What follows is a clash between two completely opposite visions of the world, smashing morality and justice, God and men. A grand-scale film with excellent leading roles by Mamonov and Yankovsky. An allegory of Stalinist Russia


Mara Alexandrova is a woman with a complex character and an equally difficult fate. She is desperately fighting for every day that comes. One by one, men change in her life. Having received some support from her: moral, financial, they immediately leave. It hardens her.


For a whole her life Olga knew that she's going to meet her prince charming on New Year Eve. So today is December 31st and she's ready and waiting...


After an accident, an unconscious and charming millionaire from Moscow lands in a provincial boarding house where he is surrounded with loving care by four sexy nurses.


Vera and Andrew can be envied. Money work, a house in a prestigious suburban village, a good foreign car. The young spouses got even a servant: on the garden, working hard, Uzbek builders work, and on the farm - the executive housekeeper Aunt Masha. It remains only to find a reliable nurse who will look after the restless daughter Aley.


Terror from within by Yury Felshtinsky and Alexander Litvinenko, representing them as parts of the plan masterminded and sponsored by exiled tycoon Pokrovsky (obvious hint at Boris Berezovsky in real life) and aimed to discredit Russian security services. As this plan has failed, Pokrovsky assisted by some terrorists organizes a hostage taking in a Moscow circus (very similar to Moscow theater hostage crisis in real life) in order to return to Russia, acting as a saver of the hostages during negotiations. However, he fails to do so. The movie also depicts the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia as a place where an important Islamic militant hides, which was a common allegation by Russian authorities in real life around that time, and depicts destruction of a base of terrorists and allies of Pokrovsky in Qatar which might hint at the assassination of Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. Overall, the movie was widely considered propaganda.


Full of irony melodrama about a long history of love, which received an unexpected continuation after many years. About her hero, trying to guess his future and, to his own surprise, sometimes guessing it.

Сюжет этого авантюрно - приключенческого фильма закручен вокруг банковского чека на 5 миллионов долларов. Его стремятся заполучить во что бы то ни стало и крутые мафиози, и милиция, и даже... трое подростков - юный русский богатырь Илья, казахский компьютерный вундеркинд Акежан и девочка Соня. Акежану нужна срочная дорогостоящая операция, поэтому ребята и решились на это опасное и рискованное дело.


A very typical post-Soviet era storyline. A bunch of vagabonds lured an innocent teenage girl to their apartment, offered her a drink, intimidated, then gang raped her. Local cops are incapable to undertake an adequate actions against the scoundrels - prevented by the superior chief of the local police, who is the dad of one of the scumbags. The case is closed. The girl's granddad tired of an endless circumlocution decides to take revenge in his own hands.


Directed by Bolotbek Shamshiyev, the movie shows Kyrgyzstan under early Soviet rule; and tells us about opium contrabanda across the border.


About the Kirghiz aristocracy's attempt to battle the influx of Russian merchants in pre-Revolution days.
