Aleksey Matoshin

Lovelace Petr arrives for a housewarming party in a new house with his parents, where he meets Polina and falls in love with her. The girl is not affected by the tricks of the young man, which he always used in relation to others. Peter is perplexed and uses all possible ways to achieve her location. Everything is complicated by the sudden arrival of a strange type, who claims to have come to his aunt and this house of their family. When good-natured tenants let him in to find out what is happening, he tells them that there is an old treasure in the wall of the house.

Peter the Great dies and passes the Russian throne to his 16-year-old daughter, Elizaveta. The young, carefree and energetic princess is not ready to give up on gorgeous dresses, handsome admirers and passionate love affairs for the crown. However, fate has other plans for her. Elizaveta is forced to take the path of dangerous adventures in order to deal with court intrigues, stalking and evil plots. Three fearless bodyguards of the princess will accompany her along the way and are willing to do whatever it takes to save the future Empress’ life.

Following her divorce, Marina thinks that she’ll never meet love again. Little does she know that one day, she’ll find the love of her life in freediving, one of the most extreme sports in existence, built on diving as deep as possible on a single breath. In the vast, mysterious realm of the sea, Marina not only regains her sense of peace and well being, but also redefines her existence.


New film by Anna Zaytseva


Without sleep, the human body can not exist forever. In one of the underground casinos, more like a secret club, they play only the richest, the most influential and ... the most sated. Those who are willing to put a fortune on red, if it is red - blood. For them, and was created a new tote, based on the game "Insomnia", which is held only once a year. The casino customers risk millions by betting, but the players risk much more.