Alesia Pukhovaja

Luba is 35 years old, and 15 of those she lived alone, raising her son Stepan. Luba works as a secretary of the village council. Her way of life is violated by the return of her longtime boyfriend Victor.

The main character, Lubov, is always in the spotlight — even at a holiday dedicated to medical workers. The md Terentyev, a very shy man, decides to hit on her. Among its competitors and surgeon Kochetkov. All Lyuba seems lucky, but no one knows the reverse side of this "happiness»…

This story is about the fact that human happiness can not be bought for any money.

Belorussia, summer 1942. The war has moved on, far off to the east. The life of a small town where the German authorities of the region have set themselves up is getting back to "normal". The Germans study Russian, flirt with the local girls, the women wash their clothes and feed them. They have to carry on somehow... But suddenly the teenage son of the film's heroine decides to run away to the partisans and blows up a German train so that they could accept him. He gets caught and the Germans have to execute him in order "to teach others a lesson". That's the order and it can't be disobeyed. The Germans know that this execution will bring an end to their peaceful lives. The local commandant understands this better than anyone as he is already involved in a close relationship with the boy's mother. But he can't ignore an order from his commanders...
